Page 97 of The Reaper

Rhys swung into the saddle. I would never get tired of watching him on a horse. He moved like he was one with the animal. He made me understand how someone could develop a centaur fetish, not that I’d ever admit to such a thing.

He’d taught me the basics of riding, and he’d finally deemed me good enough for a trail ride, just the two of us. I was already scheming about what we could do once we got out to the far edge of the property all by ourselves. We could give the horses some time to graze, and I’d take some time to enjoy my man where his brothers couldn’t hear us.

Pumpkin followed my commands. It had taken a while for us to reach an understanding, but I’d learned to be firm without trying to force her to do as I said, and she’d accepted me as someone she was willing to listen to. It wasn’t unlike my relationship with Rhys. We both stood our ground when something really mattered, but we knew forcing things wasn’t going to work. Unless we were in bed, and then…

I sighed, and Rhys glanced back at me. “What?”



“I’m just thinking about how much I love making you surrender.”

Rhys scowled at me. “No.”

“I do, and you love it too.”

“I mean, no, this is an actual trail ride to see how you handle Pumpkin. This isn’t an excuse to get somewhere private.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t want me to make you scream.”

“We’ve talked about lesson time and—”

“Yes, yes.” I waved at him. “I know I promised to behave, but this is more of an… outing than a lesson.”

“No. It’s a lesson in trail riding.”

I huffed as Rhys turned back around and sped up to a trot.

* * *


TJ followed me, doing an excellent job of matching my pace and keeping Pumpkin focused on the trail. I really was proud of how far he’d come. After we’d cantered a bit and slowed to a walk once more, I dropped back so we could ride side by side.

TJ glanced over at me. “I can’t decide which view I like best.”

I looked ahead of us at the blue sky and puffy white clouds over the gentle hills. “I know. This side of the ranch is gorgeous, but I love looking out over the pasture from the house.”

TJ snorted.


“I meant watching your ass sway on the horse or seeing you beside me smiling because you love riding so much.”

Heat filled my cheeks. I still wasn’t used to the way he enjoyed watching me. “I want to be annoyed, but that’s…”

“You like it when I watch you.”

“Yeah. I guess I do.”

“You know, if we had our own place, I wouldn’t have to spend so much time scheming to get you somewhere private.”

“TJ, I’m not leaving the ranch.”

He shook his head. “I would never ask that. I meant I could build us a cabin of our own here on the property.”

“You could build it, like you were Pa Ingalls?”