Page 56 of The Duke's Embrace

At the entrance to the park, Tabitha took the footpath, making sure to stay near other people. On the way home the last night, Andrew had warned her to stay in crowds and keep an eye out for anyone suspicious. Her gaze darted around as she walked toward the wider path for carriages and horses. There, surrounded by a group of ladies, was Andrew, seated in his phaeton like a king holding court.

A sharp pang of jealousy sliced through her heart when she saw how relentlessly the women flirted with Andrew. They all but climbed into his lap. Their tittering laughter grated on Tabitha’s nerves. She wanted to swat them away like pesky bugs but kept her neutral decorum, until Andrew noticed her approach and had a smile that was only for her. Tabitha returned the smile and increased her pace.

She came upon the group and heard one lady speaking to Andrew. “But Your Grace, you simply must come. The party will be ever so boring without you. My mother would be quite put out if you did not attend.”

Andrew laughed indulgently at the young lady. “My dear Miss Turner, as much as I would love to attend your party, my calendar is completely filled. Perhaps in the future, when I will not be otherwise occupied.”

He addressed Tabitha when she approached. “Good afternoon, Miss Crestwood. Ready for that ride around the park?”

The group of young ladies had not noticed Tabitha until Andrew addressed her. They glared at her with a mixture of shock and jealousy as Andrew offered his hand to help her into the phaeton. As he settled her next to him, Andrew kissed Tabitha’s hand, making the girls sigh in envy.

Tabitha knew it was not proper to be seen unescorted, but she didn’t care. She was in love and wanted all the ladies to know Andrew was hers. Social propriety be damned. When had she let a little thing like that bother her?

Andrew dismissed his admirers with a bow, then off he and Tabitha went. While they drove, Tabitha noticed his cautious glances at her out of the corner of his eye. No doubt he was wondering if she would comment on the scene she had just witnessed. She knew those women meant nothing to Andrew, even so, it might be fun to make him worry, just a bit.

With the best haughty tone she could muster, Tabitha spoke. “I hope I’m not keeping you from other more enjoyable encounters for the afternoon, Your Grace.” A smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth.

Andrew threw his head back and let out a jovial laugh. “My dear, there is no other place I would rather be than at your side. Those ladies cornered me. I swear, they must have been watching me since I entered the park. The moment I stopped, they descended on me like a pack of wolves. I was lucky to get away with my clothes on.”

“Indeed! I did not realize the situation was so serious.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Little do they know you are the only lady who will ever have the privilege of undressing me.”

With the hint at their past affairs, Tabitha’s cheeks burned. Other parts of her body also responded, but now was not the time. They had met for a reason. Wanting to steer the conversation to the task at hand, she asked, “Where are we going?”

“I wrote this morning to an old friend who may be of service. He responded he would be glad to see us. It’s not a long drive, and I shall have you safe and sound at home before nightfall.”

After several turns into a more commercial area of the city, they came to a quiet street off the main thoroughfare and stopped in front of an older non-descript brick building. There were no signs outside indicating the nature of the business, no doubt housed inside, though Tabitha wondered if it might be a private residence.

They went up to the front door and knocked, waiting for entrance. Within a minute, a servant led them in. Andrew stated they had an appointment and were led from the foyer into what looked to be an office.

Seated behind the desk in the middle of the room was an older gentleman, perhaps in his early sixties, if Tabitha had to guess. He was dressed in finely tailored clothes of the latest fashion and was well-groomed, obviously a man of means, possibly even a title.

When they were announced, the gentleman came around and greeted Andrew with a firm handshake. “Andrew, my boy, it has been a while. My belated congratulations on your title, although the circumstances were not the best. I’m sorry to hear of your brother’s passing.”

“Thank you, sir. May I introduce you to the lady I wrote you about, Miss Tabitha Crestwood. Tabitha, this is Sir Richard Darnley.”

Tabitha extended her hand in greeting, and Sir Darnley gave a small bow over her hand. “Delighted to meet you, my dear. Won’t you sit?”

He motioned to the two chairs facing his desk. As everyone settled down, Tabitha grew anxious. Who was this man, and how could he help Phillip? He certainly didn’t look the sort who knew about spying and other nefarious dealings.

Sir Darnley sat down and promptly came to the point. “Now, Miss Crestwood, Andrew informed me in his letter this morning that you are sister to Phillip Crestwood. He also said Lord Vance blackmailed you with some possible compromising documents implicating your brother of supposedly conspiring against the crown. Is that the short of it?”

Taken aback at how simple and matter-of-fact Sir Darnley was in his summary of the whole affair, it took Tabitha a moment to process what she had heard. “Yes, that is correct, but how do you know, Phillip? You addressed him by his first name. Have you met him?”

Sir Darnley leaned back in his chair before answering. “My dear, I am the one who sends Phillip and his friends out on the adventures that Lord Vance is telling you areagainstQueen and country.”

She shook her head. “I don't understand.”

“What I’m saying is, your brother does spy workforthe crown, not against it. My agents do work that is best kept out of public knowledge. It’s the perfect ruse. Phillip and his friends, under the guise of gallivanting young nobility, have, from time to time, gone to the continent to do certain tasks that are of, shall we say, a more delicate nature.”

Tabitha’s throat went dry, her head spinning from the revelation. All this time, she’d thought she knew her twin brother, but there appeared more to him than anyone knew. How long had this been going on, and did Father know? How many people were involved? Was Andrew part of this?

She turned an inquisitive look in Sir Darnley’s direction. “How did Phillip become a spy? It doesn’t seem like something one simply becomes one day.”

“Indeed not, Miss Crestwood. Your brother fell into my lap quite by accident.” Sir Darnley started his tale. “One of my agents was in a little trouble on the continent about three years ago. Your brother and his friends happened to be passing by and saved his life. Once my man realized how capable your friends were, he asked for their assistance in completing his mission, and the rest is history.” Sir Darnley crossed his arms.

“I still can’t believe it.”