Page 55 of The Duke's Embrace

The hitch in her voice was not lost on him. Andrew tightened his hold on her, slowing his pace for a bit to a more tender rhythm.

“You know you can’t get rid of me that easily.”

He saw the unshed tears in her eyes.

“Don’t cry, love. There is nothing to fear. I will be with you, always.”

She cried out as he took her mouth, kissing her, fucking her, until Tabitha ripped her mouth from his as another orgasm shook her body. The feel of her canal embracing his cock was too much. He couldn’t hold off any longer.

He pumped into her, spilling his seed. The power of his release nearly made his knees buckle, but he steadied himself, waiting until the feeling passed. Each time he was with Tabitha, Andrew marveled at how strong his reaction to her was.

Andrew brought his head forward and laid his forehead on hers. Feeling her flushed skin against him set his blood on fire again. He pulled Tabitha against him, not wanting to lose the moment. The power of their connection made the emotions swirl inside Andrew, tightening his chest, as if the pressure would make him burst. The words were there. Dare he say them?

He spoke in a whisper, not sure if Tabitha would hear him. “I love you.”

The hitch in her breath told Andrew she’d heard him. He drew back to peer at Tabitha, trying to read her expression. At first, he wasn’t sure, but then a twinkle showed in her eyes, which spread into a wide grin across her face.

Tabitha put her hands on both sides of Andrew’s face and looked into his eyes. “I love you, too.”

Andrew let out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding while he waited for Tabitha’s reply. If he wasn’t careful, he might just cry out with happiness, and that wasn’t at all becoming of a duke—and a rakish one at that. Instead, Andrew placed her hand over his heart and gave her a gentle kiss.

Eventually, reality set in. Andrew reluctantly released Tabitha and took a few steps back so they could right themselves. “I apologize if I was too energetic in our lovemaking.”

“There is no need to apologize. I love being in your arms.”

Overwhelmed by his new feelings, he hurried over and crushed his lips against hers in another searing kiss, branding her once more as his own.

He pulled away and placed some of her hair that had fallen out in their escapades behind her ear and laughed. “I still can't believe you love me. Tell me again.”

“I love you,” she whispered and laid her head on his chest briefly before trying to fix the mess that was now her hair.

As Andrew waited for Tabitha to finish, he remembered the main reason they had been thrown together that night.

“We must do something about Lord Vance. If I know him, he will not take what happened tonight lightly. If he has incriminating documents regarding your brother, we have to get them, or at least try to warn your brother.”

The line of worry across her brow marred Tabitha’s serene features. Lost in the moment, she too had temporarily forgotten about her brother's predicament.

“What can we do? There’s no way we can get back inside Vance’s home, and I’m sure he’ll have those documents secure. I should have taken them from the drawer before we left.”

A list of possibilities ran through Andrew’s head. He’d been in binds before and had a slew of people in different walks of life that could help them. Then Andrew came up with a name. He turned to Tabitha.

“Meet me tomorrow afternoon. I know someone who may be able to help us.”

“Mother will ask where I’m going, and if she knows I’m meeting a man, she will insist on going as chaperone.”

“Then don’t tell her, or make something up. Just meet me at two o’clock at Hyde Park, on the south side.”


Tabitha agreed to a meeting the following afternoon. After that, Andrew summoned his carriage to escort Tabitha home. They stopped several houses away so as not to be noticed by any curious onlookers. Even though the hour was late, they couldn’t be too careful. Andrew led her to the servants’ entrance. Before saying good night, he gave her another kiss and left.

Once inside, Tabitha tiptoed to her chambers with no notice. A short time later, after changing into her nightgown, she lay in bed reviewing the events of the evening. It was troubling to know that Phillip was still in danger, but she was relieved that Andrew had shown up when he did. She would never admit it to anyone, but she had been deathly afraid she would never leave Lord Vance’s home. An icy chill ran through her body just thinking about it.

But the knowledge that Andrew had declared his love for her replaced that thought. Even after everything, he loved her—and she him.

Tabitha drifted off to sleep until mid-morning. A maid came to tell Tabitha that her mother was out making social calls. Perfect. If Lady Bedford stayed out long enough, Tabitha could avoid her altogether until her meeting with Andrew.

Luck was on Tabitha’s side. When it came time for her to leave, she gave word that she was going to Fiona’s house for the afternoon and would return before dinner. Erring on the side of caution, Tabitha hired a cab to take her to the park, not at ease with walking, given the previous night’s events.