Page 57 of The Duke's Embrace

“Those young men have a knack for the game. They are quite efficient at getting results. Your brother in particular has been essential in getting us information which has led to the capture of some informants here on our very soil. So, you see, your brother is working for us, not against us.”

It was bewildering. Tabitha would never have pictured Phillip traipsing around Europe for Queen and country. He always seemed to dislike anything physical unless it involved gaming or women. Perhaps that was how he wanted people to see him, less suspecting of his travels.

She questioned Sir Darnley further. “Who is ‘us’, sir? Do you mean the government?”

“We are not officially part of the government. We are a separate, private entity. Call it an association, if you will. Our main purpose is to keep England and all its subjects safe from those who mean us harm.”

“The government has no knowledge of what you do?”

“I keep in contact with the defense minister, and my agents are delegated those tasks which need a more delicate hand. The names of those working for us are kept secret, as are the locations of safe houses situated throughout the continent. This is my private dwelling, which is why Andrew brought you here. I have known the duke for years. He has even helped on a few occasions, allowing us transport on his ships in the past.”

With this revelation, Tabitha turned to Andrew, who had a sheepish grin on his face. He straightened in his chair under Tabitha’s scrutiny.

Andrew reached for her hand. “Please say something, darling. I brought you here because I wasn’t sure if your brother was a part of Sir Darnley’s agency. If he was, I knew we would get the answers you required. If not, then Sir Darnley would have known where to search next for Phillip. You understand?”

Tabitha peered at Andrew, then back at Sir Darnley and could tell they were being honest. There were no nefarious reasons for keeping secrets from her. She understood there were things that went on that most people didn’t know about. All she wanted at this point was to find Phillip.

She took a deep, calming breath. “Tell me how we can help my brother. Lord Vance showed me documents that appeared to incriminate Phillip in acts of treason against the crown.”

“Vance!” Sir Darnley practically spat out the man’s name. “He is the true traitor. I have suspected him of conspiring with our enemies for years, although we have never gotten enough evidence against him. It wouldn’t surprise me if the documents you saw were forged. But why would Lord Vance want to blackmail you?”

Tabitha pursed her lips, afraid to mention the previous night’s events. “Lord Vance wants revenge against me. I refused his marriage proposal two years ago. This is his way of getting me to bend to his will. He bet on the fact that I would do anything to protect Phillip.” And the scoundrel had been correct.

“Humph! It’s the other way around, for sure. Well, unfortunately there is no way for me to contact your brother at the present time since he is on a mission. The men travel as needed, but I can leave a message at the safe house where they will return to once they arrive in London. There is always a pre-assigned rendezvous point. A message can be left there that it will not be safe for him to show himself until this fiasco is resolved.”

The tension in Tabitha’s shoulders eased. At least they could get a message to Phillip and save him from being arrested. With a promise from Sir Darnley that he would have the message sent that day, Andrew escorted Tabitha back to his phaeton to return home.

Tabitha sat quietly, mulling over all the information she’d just received. Then she glanced at the man next to her. He had been a part of this as well.

“When did you help Sir Darnley and his band of merry men?”

Andrew kept his eyes on the street.

“About three months before we first met two years ago. I was a young man growing my shipping company. During those first few years, I went on several trips since I wanted to learn all I could about the business. We were in port at Calais when one of my crew told me there was an English gentleman who wanted to speak to me. I met Sir Darnley, who was there under the guise of doing some trade or business, I can’t recall. Anyway, his transport home was delayed, so he asked for passage back to England. I had met the gentleman on occasion over the years at social events and whatnot. He had always seemed the upstanding sort. He’d made inquiries at the docks about any ships heading for London and was given my ship’s name, so I gave him safe passage home.”

“That's it? You didn’t ask any questions? How did you know you could trust Sir Darnley?”

“I didn’t know for sure, but I knew I would be on my ship with my own men. If something went wrong, we would have the upper hand. So, I helped and told him to contact me if he ever needed any more favors. My ships have provided transport when it was better to sneak in rather than going the usual route.”

“What made you decide to offer your services?”

“Well, I had met this spirited young woman one night in a library, who was off on her own adventures, so I thought, why shouldn’t I do the same? I contacted Sir Darnley, and for a few months, I was regularly smuggling in goods or men to wherever they were needed.”

Tabitha’s heart clenched. How many times had Andrew risked his life? She trembled to think what could have happened to him.

“Wasn’t it dangerous?”

“There were a few times when we barely got out by the skin of our teeth. Got shot at a couple of times as well.” At that comment, Tabitha gasped. “Don’t worry, my dear, I never was hit. Anyway, after those few narrow escapes, I decided that espionage and intrigue weren’t the best fit for me and started doing only the occasional favor for Sir Darnley.”

“Do you ever miss it?” Tabitha asked.

“Sometimes, but I’ve been so preoccupied lately that I have all the excitement I can handle.”

Tabitha wondered if that comment included her and the current predicament she found herself in.

“Any way, Sir Darnley knows he can contact me if he needs use of my vessels. Being a duke and all, it wouldn't look favorable for me to be fraternizing with men who might get killed or captured doing unofficial work for the British government, so I’m not directly involved anymore.”

Today had been filled with discoveries. The rest of the trip passed until they came to the street where Tabitha lived. Andrew pulled up to her house, and as he handed her down, he grabbed both of her hands in his.