Page 12 of Cocky Biker

Which was why she’d go back to the duke. He was trustworthy. He wouldn’t beat up her emotions until they were bruised and sore.

“Hey, Nina, can I get something to eat?” she called over the bar.

“Sure, honey. I’ve got chili coming out of the stove soon, or I could make you something else?”

“Chili is perfect.” Belle smiled and pulled up a stool.

“Hun, if you want to sit at the bar with these hooligans, that’s fine by me.” Nina leaned forward. “But if you’d prefer to be somewhere else, I can get it sent to you.”

Belle blew out a breath and glanced around. Beer was in full flow, the volume of conversations almost deafening, and the air thick with smoke.

“Thanks.” She indicated the door. “I’ll go to the room I’m staying in, it’s—”

“Yeah, I know which one it is. Won’t be long.” She wiped her hands on a towel and turned away. “Jayden, what can I get you?”

Belle slipped from the stool and headed for the door. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the last of the head-table bikers emerging from the office. Wyatt appeared in deep conversation with Carter—heads bent close, brows furrowed, and shoulders almost touching.

She tore her gaze away, annoyed at the tug of interest in her stomach. She hadn’t felt that for a long time. And she didn’t have room for it now. Even if Wyatt was tall, sexy, and hot as fuck. It was the eyes, the way he looked at her, as if reading her thoughts, seeing into her soul—as if everything else around him had faded away and there was only her in the room.

Quickly, she pushed outside into the evening and headed over the darkening yard to her room. Once there, she kicked off her heels, grabbed her book, and settled on the faded red sofa. She crossed her ankles on the arm and snuggled back into the cushions.

The Duke of Shropshire placed his hands on his hips and stared at the disobedient young maid before him. She was beautiful with her flushed cheeks, doe-like blue eyes, and pouty lips. Blood rushed to his cock, and his heart rate went up a notch.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she said, wringing her hands together. “Really I am.”

“Whilst I appreciate your apology, words are not enough.” He dragged his gaze down her body. She was breathing fast, her ample breasts pushing up against her black dress and almost over spilling the neckline. Damn, he was sure he could see the first shaded arc of her nipple.

He swallowed. In the name of all his ancestors, he wanted this woman to himself. All of her. He wanted to own her, pleasure her, make her his for all of time.

“Come here,” he ordered, his voice gruffer than he’d intended.

She hesitated but took a step toward him.


Her bottom lip trembled, and she stared up at him. He could smell her now, soap and flowers, the scent of sweet skin and perfume.

He reached forward and touched her cheek, ran the back of his index finger down her smooth flesh.

“My lord,” she whispered.

“You will pay the price of forgetting to light the fire, here in my bed chamber, and that price will be a spanking.”

She gasped. “A spanking?”

“Yes, a sore red bottom might improve your memory.”

“Oh, no, but please, master…” She glanced at the door. “I’m sorry, I—”

“I told you, sorry is not enough, and you should know now, there is no escape. Shawbourne Manor is mine, as are the acres and acres surrounding it. You have no choice but to stay and take your punishment. I suggest you do so with grace.”

“I…” She stepped back. “But…”

The duke grabbed her arm, pulled her close, and stared into her eyes. “And perhaps, if you are a good maid and present your bare bottom to me without another moment of fuss, I will reward you with pleasure.”

“Pleasure?” Her eyes widened, her pupils dilating. She licked her lips. “What … what do you mean?”

“I know you like pleasure. I saw you swimming naked in the lake.” He paused, enjoying the myriad of emotions flashing in her eyes. “You thought no one was watching, that you were alone, but you were not.”