Page 11 of Cocky Biker

“No, doll, we’re good.” Hudson gave a wave of his hand. “Go do girl stuff.”

She turned with a flick of her hair and strutted from the room. Wyatt stared at her ass, his mouth practically watering. There was no doubt about it, he wanted this woman. It had been a while since he’d hooked up with anyone, but even so, he couldn’t remember the longing being this intense. It was so intense, it was painful. He tugged at the front of his leathers, wishing for more room.

“You okay, bud?” Carter asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Hudson chuckled. “If you like that bit of ass, son, you’re going to have to get the okay from Rigor.”

Wyatt frowned. “I’m not in the habit of asking permission from anyone except the chicks I screw.”

“Jeez, I would if it were me,” Carter said and blew out a breath through puffed cheeks.

“As if I’m going to take advice from you.” Wyatt folded his arms. “You’re hardly the star of aRomeo and Julietromance.”

“They all died in that play.” Taff laughed.

Wyatt huffed.

“Guys,” Hudson said, spreading his palms on the table as if to end the conversation. “I’m gonna need a couple of you to go to Mexico.”

“Count me in,” Carter said.

“No.” Hudson pointed at him. “Brooklyn will kill me if you get slammed up again this soon.”

“It’s not soon. It’s been nearly a year.”

“Exactly,nearlya year. Once it’s been a year, you’re fair game.”

Carter huffed and pulled a smoke from his pocket. Lit it and blew a stream into the air.

“I’ll go,” Taff said, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand and smearing the blob of mayo onto his stubbled upper lip.

“And me,” Wyatt said. “Unless you got someone else in mind, boss.”

Hudson glanced at the other club brothers who sat in silence all apart from Jayden, who shrugged with a nod, signaling he’d be up for it. “Actually,” Hudson said, “yeah, Taff and Wyatt, you’d be good for this. Got a way with charming border control, the pair of you.”

“We should take an interpreter?” Wyatt raised his eyebrows. “As we have one here.”

Hudson laughed, one of his deep guffaws. “You got a death wish, son?”

“No.” Wyatt kept his attention on Hudson. He had wishes all right, but they weren’t about dying.

“Sure sounds like it. Rigor won’t put his sister in a position of danger, not for anything or anyone.”

Wyatt opened his mouth then closed it again. Truth was, he didn’t want Belle in any kind of danger either. Though there were plenty of other positions he could imagine her in. With him. In bed.

Chapter Three

Belle walked from the room knowing full well male eyeballs were ogling her ass. Hell, why not? She had a good ass. No, make that a great ass.

But one guy in particular, Wyatt—you’ll-be-screaming-my-name-later—she was sure he wasn’t even blinking. She hadn’t felt the heat of someone’s attention like that for a long time.

Which was tough shit. She was off men. Even if he was cute in a rugged, would-kill-for-his-girl kind of way. The smear of oil still on his cheek and his overly long, black-as-night hair just added to his appeal.

I will resist.

Belle’s heart wasn’t ready to be bruised again. And it would be by him. That was all that ever happened to it. That was all any man had ever done.