Page 13 of Cocky Biker

“Oh, but.” Her cheeks reddened further. She pressed her fingers to her lips. “And did you—?”

“Did I?” He smiled and lowered his face to hers. “Did I see you touching yourself on the bank, after your swim? Finding pleasure with such wanton abandon I could have believed you to have been possessed? Yes, I did, I saw everything, every touch, every writhing movement. I heard every gasp, every heated breath.”

“My lord, I’m sorry, I…”

“Do not be sorry. I enjoyed watching you.” He spun her around, clasping her to his body as he dragged up the lower half of her dress. “Just as I will enjoy doling out your punishment and then your reward.”

Knock. Knock.

Belle frowned and tore herself from the page. “Damn it.”

Knock. Knock.

“Chili delivery.” A deep male voice.

“Coming.” She set the book spread-eagle on the table.

“Hurry, you don’t want it cold.”

She recognized the voice at the door, and her heart gave a little squeeze.


Sure enough, when she pulled the door open, he was standing there.

He grinned. “Dinner sent up from Nina. You’re in for a treat. This is the best chili on the west coast.”

He didn’t hand her the plated meal. Instead, he stepped past her into the room.

“I … er, thanks,” she said, turning.

“I take it this place is okay for you.” He wandered into the small kitchen area.

“Yeah, sure, it’s fine.” Her attention went to his cute butt encased in worn leather. The seam on the right pocket was unpicking, several threads hanging. “Thanks for tidying up.”

“It’s always this tidy.” He set the plate down and faced her.

“Yeah, right.”

He laughed, a deep chuckle that crinkled the skin around his eyes. “Okay, you got me. When Hudson said it was a chick staying here, I made an extra effort.”

“I appreciate it.” The scent of chili filtered her way. “And I appreciate you bringing food up. I’m hungry.”

“My pleasure.” As he’d said the wordpleasure, his gaze dipped down then up her body.

Again, her stomach did a little flip. There was no denying she liked Wyatt’s attention, hell, she liked what she saw when she slid her attention over his body.

But what if he’s like Billy? A cheat, a liar, a sneak?

“So, you have everything you need?” he asked, pulling out a drawer to expose cutlery. “Forks, knives, and all that shit.”

“Yeah, thanks.” She stepped past him and reached for a glass. “I’m all good now.”

“Sure? ’Cause I’m at your disposal.”

“I’m sure.” She poured a glass of water. When it was full, she drank deep.

The room was quiet, so she guessed he’d gone.