“You have no idea what I like, Reggie… but you will,” she whispered as she leaned forward and nipped my lower lip, making me groan. “Do it, baby. Show me just how dark and depraved you can go. I know you want to, and I want to see it.” I flexed my grip, and the wicked witch just smiled wider.

I knew ever since she was a child, she had wanted to see what made her father’s best friend so bloody all the time. I knew shehad heard the rumors and that led to her infatuation with seeing it. Yet still to this day, I had kept that side of me from her. I had never wanted her to see how I could become so enthralled with the bloodlust that I seem to lose everything else around me.

Much like her, I’d used it to survive.

“Lara,” I growled, my entire body heating with the promise of something depraved.

“Do it, Reg. Look into my eyes.”

So I did, I looked into her forbidden emeralds and saw acceptance there. I saw her telling me it was okay being who and what I am. It was a tough pill to swallow and I stepped back and removed my hand from her throat.

“Get back in the car, I won’t ask again,” I snapped as she moved to do just that. I turned away from her, not wanting to see if she made it inside the passenger seat or not. I gripped the blade in my hand tighter, staring down the snot-ridden crybaby at my feet. I yanked him upright and shoved his ass back against the wall.

“Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me twice… Well, you’ll never get to lie to me twice.” I smirked like a wolf as I ripped open his purple sweatshirt, right down the center, right through to the gray shirt he had underneath, and right through to bare flesh.

“W-what are you doing?” he cried as I poked his side with exploratory fingers.

“Showing you why it’s never a good idea to lie to a madman. Do you know how many bones are within the human body?” I asked, watching as his dull blue eyes became lost to the light once again as he whipped his head up to stare at me. “Two hundred and six, unless you're a freak with extra. Fascinating isn’t it?”

“N-no!” he stammered. I just glared. “I mean, yes-yes!”

“It’s even more intriguing when you ripped them from a very much alive and unmedicated human being. Could you imagine, watching the bones that hold together your very own meat suit, turning to dust before your very eyes? One… by… one?”

He gulped, then began to scream for help. It wouldn’t do him any good, this dive part of town is isolated. There was nothing here but gang bangers who wouldn't be looking to involve themselves in anything other than what they were here to do, see or steal.

“No?” I queried. “Well, you are about to.”

Chapter Eight


Adrenalized - In This Moment

Isat on the hood of the SUV, watching as Reggie began his tirade in mutilation. I stayed silent, bathed in the shadows, and allowed him his time to shine. It wouldn’t be as beautiful if I was standing beside him. He’d be distracted, too lost inside his own mind that I wouldn’t get to meet the infamous Bones that the underbelly of criminals and assholes alike cowered from. There is something special about the moment you accept yourself.

Not just in front of a select few, but truly acceptingyourself, as well.

Reg had yet to do that. He might become Bones around the men he served with, his brothers. But he held back in front of me. That meant he was cowering from himself.

Lying to himself, like he had been lying about the emotion between us for years.

He might be able to outrun his feelings, but I wouldn’t let him outrun his nature.

I couldn’t care less who stood before me and witnessed my crazy. I’m not ashamed of who I was or what I needed in order to get through the day.

I enjoyed what I enjoyed and right now, I wanted him to enjoy it with me.

The man squealed as Reg shoved a torn piece of the man’s shirt into his mouth. He felt the man’s side, probing the ribs on his right before he touched the tip of my blade to the man’s skin and pressed against him. The action drew a bead of blood and I licked my lips.

“No matter what you say, this won’t end. I won’t stop until I’m satisfied. But how long it takes me to become satisfied depends on how swiftly you answer me. Do you understand?” Reg asked as the man shook. The muscles in Reggie’s arms were something to be seen. Weapons that were coiled tight and hidden behind smooth leather until they were ready to ripple and almost shred the fabric.

I’m enchanted, and it had everything to do with the lethal man who stood tall and wild before me.

He was the embodiment of perverted desires for blood and carnage. The silhouette of danger and malice and so much fucking sin, it set me aflame and left my pussy sore and aching for the one man, who I knew could elicit so many sensations, that I’d likely beg him for a reprieve.

And Ineverbeg.

I could see the bead of sweat that glistened down the side of the stranger’s face. The fear, the trepidation, was sweet in the air. I stuck out my tongue as I licked time and space itself, savoring the taste of brutality in the evening. My thighs clenched and I needed to relieve some of the pressure on my clit, so I placed the head of the gun that I held in my hand between mylegs, right onto my core. The metal was cool, chilled by the night and whispered through the faux leather of my cargo leggings. As I widen my legs, my heels connected with the grill of the SUV and formed some sort of triangle as I arched my back. My head hung heavy as I refused to tear my eyes away from Reggie as he dug in the tip of the blade deeper into the flesh and began to carve and slice into the man’s cavities. Even through the gag, the cry of pain was torturous.