I thought it over and knew that she was right. Dom would want us to look into it further. I just detested the idea of doing such while I had Lara with me. The fucker had stayed on my tail for the last few exits, I could lose him easily. But as she said, what was the fun in that?
I loathed to admit, my skin tingled with anticipation and my heart galloped with need in my chest.
They didn’t call me Bones for nothing.
I took the next exit and sped toward a dive part of town. It was off course from our location, which I did on purpose. No point leading the fucker to our warehouse. We drove through run-down streets and shattered store windows and I flung a right, then another right until I spun the vehicle around in the alley. Headlights off, we waited. I threw a wary look at Lara and noticed how she began to shut everything down. She sat tall and regal, calm and almost unmoving in her seat. She clutched a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, head canted as she glared out the windshield, ear twitched as she listened as if she was a feline in the wild who could sense a predator from a mile away.
“Stay in the car, don’t move. That’s an order,” I warned as I opened my door and stalked through the shadows. I could hear the wheels churn from the approaching vehicle and pulled out my gun from the waistband of my dark jeans, taking aim. I didn’t wear a suit tonight so the access was easier.
I knew the moment he turned into the alley what he saw from behind the driver’s seat.
A six-foot-five beast that towered higher than the greatest shadows and looked fiercely brutal covered in tattoos. My leather jacket was unzipped, my shirt was undone at the collar,revealing my throat tattoos. The lights blinded me, or would have had it not been for the training.
Dom didn’t just decide one day to dish it out to his children, he may have made it more brutal than what we received with his desire to make sure they survived, but we both lived it too.
Instead of my eyes becoming strained, watered, and sore through the light, I began to see patterns dance before me. Molecules of light came together and outlined the world hidden behind such brightness.
I could sense the presence of the person behind the wheel, and as I gave myself to the unknown, I allowed it to guide me. I fired my first shot, one that would embed a bullet into the back seat behind the driver’s head. It would leave him with a missed piece of flesh from his ear and a fuck ton of pain from the blown eardrum.
“What the fuck!” a voice bellowed, drifted through the crack in that window that Lara observed before the car door swung open and a man fell to his knees as he stumbled from his seat.
I was there in a moment, a hand fisted in the back of his sweatshirt as I pulled him back to his feet. The low lights at the mouth of the alley cast a yellow glow so I dragged him back into the void. Back into the darkness where we could play.
Pinned against the wall, I shoved my loaded gun down his throat. He stilled, eyes wide as they became orbs of stark white from the headlights of his car. I knew he wouldn’t be able to see me. That he had not had the training I’d had.
Mainly because I didn’t think anybody had.
So I used it to my advantage. I remained silent, a sentinel of revenge and violence as I allowed him the time to form a pretty grotesque image of what was about to happen.
The mind was a frightful thing. It had the power to torture way beyond the physical limits of what our body could handle.
If you did it right, your mind would be so tormented that even in death, you were never free from the hell.
“Who are you and why are you following us?” I questioned. Calm, collected, in a voice as cold as a demon.
The man quivered in my hold and I have to admit, I was expecting a little more backbone. I had no need to shove him back into the wall, not when I wrapped my hand around his throat and tightened his airways. It forced him to try and dispel the gun, so I pushed it in deeper, watching as he choked and the color began to drain from his already ghostly, washed-out face.
With a vicious retreat, I removed the gun and knocked his front teeth on the way out. They clanged through the air, as they fell to the ground. As I applied more pressure, I made him stare into my cold eyes, seeing the lack of anything human dwelling there. Terror seized him and I knew that was my moment.
“I will only ask once, you will only be offered the chance once. Defy me, and I can promise you, my night will become very, very enjoyable.” The threat burned between us, and I knew at that moment, that a sick kind of joy would have fleeted in my ominous gaze. I removed the pressure but kept my hand firm around his throat.
He stood mute for a minute, just staring. After I nodded my head in permission, he began to ramble, “I- I wasn’t. I-I didn’t,” he wheezed, his body trembled but he refused to move. Almost like I had struck him and turned him into stone.
“Oooo, You’re right, Bones. Tonight just got a whole lot more enjoyable,” a sultry voice mused from behind me. I tensed, my hand involuntarily tightening around the throat of my hostage. She defied me.Again. “You remember the part where he said you only get one chance, right?”
“I told you to stay in the damn car,” I snapped and the mad woman chuckled.
“Yeah, like the world froze over in two minutes and I just happened to start listening to you. Here, catch.” I turned to her, just as she threw her knife at my head. I let go of the man in order to catch it before it hit me. Fist clenched, I glared and it was at that second the bloke decided he’d try for his escape. He had hardly made it with his shoulders off the wall before a shot rang out and he fell to his knees, screaming.
I sighed and shook my head in frustration, just as she neared me. I grabbed her with one hand to pin her against the wall and kicked out with my foot, knocking the bloke from his knees in order to make it harder for him to get back to his feet. As I brought her in close, the smell of cherries, and wildfires mixed with gasoline hit me. The scent was overwhelming, and all her. She might play with fire way too often, but the scent of devastating destruction was something that she was born with and it drove me insane. I collared her, as I applied sweet, torturous pressure to her throat and brought my thick thigh in between hers. I leaned forward, my lips a mere whisper away. “If I give you an order, Lara, I expect you to follow it.”
“Why would I do such a thing if it leads us here, Reg? I like it when you lose control,” she mused, a smile as wicked as sin if it had a form on her taunted face.
Fuck it.
Of course, sin had a form and it was all her.
“You won’t like me without control, pretty girl.” The low timbre of my voice rasped throughout the night.