“Why were you following us?” Reg asked in that low and deadly tone of his and it sent chills skating down my spine and I trembled. My entire body was moved by the ominous rasp of his deep and scratchy voice.

“Hmm-mm-er,” the man mumbled with eyes so wide, they pushed against the sockets of his skull.

“Have to do better than that, I can’t seem to hear you,” he replied nonchalantly.

It was a vicious and tormenting thing to do, playing with someone’s mind. Having given them an out, so close to their reach, yet at the same time, also impossibly far away.

It was a way to trap your victim, holding them hostage for all of time.

If only the man could speak, yet he can’t. Because Reg took away his voice as he carved through the layers of skin to withdraw his first rib.

The snap that churned through the air was loud and compelling, it forced me to rock my hips into the loaded head of the gun as I held my finger to the trigger. I played Russian Roulette would shecum or squirtedition and by squirt I meant going splat and shooting a damn hole through the center of my body rocked by her deadly arousal.

As Reggie pulled out the rib, he held it in front of the man’s face and allowed him a good look, all before he clenched his hand and snapped the rib in half once again. Bones arefucking strong, yet at the same time so beautifully easy to break. Especially when you were a man the size of Reggie. He pulled another rib and did the same thing. It sent feral chills raised down my spine and I almost pulled the trigger.

I flexed and writhed as I swallowed down every purr and mewl. Reggie seemed to grow in height, and somehow the mood seemed to change. It grew thick and muggy, it stifled the air swelling in my lungs as I found it hard to breathe through the lust.

Reg removed the gag with a bloodied hand and I jerked, butting my hips against the gun harder and faster as I grew more insistent. He was glorious like this. A beast untamed as he destroyed and maimed. As he brutalized and painted the brick wall behind him with his crimson art. I whispered a low groan, one lost to the night.

“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. Who sent you?” The sound of his sinful voice sent waves of electricity though my body that trembled under the intensity of it.

“Y-you’re a fucking psycho!” the man gurgled, as saliva built in his throat. The sheen of crimson glistened within the headlights of the car as it trailed down his side and splattered against the ground at his feet. His words were distorted and he found it incredibly hard to breathe, most probably because a lung or two may have been affected by the little show we had going on.

“So I am, and I’m having way too much fun so I can go all night. If I have to ask you again, I will remove your tongue and fuck you in the ass with it. Do. You. Understand?” Reg groused and fuck me if I did not almost squirt a fountain in my lace panties right there and then.

“I-I don’t know who did it. I answered an ad on craigslist. All it said was to follow your license plates and report back to them with an unknown email as to what you do and where you go. It’sall on my phone. It’s all on my phone dammit! Stop, stop! I can’t breathe.”

“Don’t be so damn dramatic, I’m an expert. Your lungs are fine. I’m practically a surgeon.” Reggie said off-handed with a careless shrug.

Satan save me because that indifferent attitude was my undoing and I came so fucking hard, I let out a loud moan that had Reggie’s head thrash toward the sound. The stare he held me with was so raw, so intense, and bloodthirsty that I quivered and my finger slipped, firing the gun and lodging a bullet into the grill of the stranger’s car making it hiss some kind of gas that sounded like a roar that bellowed throughout the darkness.

“Password,” Reggie snapped, which made the man he held and tortured into a bloodied mess confused. “For the damn phone, what is your pin?” He refused to take his eyes off mine. They weren’t focused on my hand or where it held the gun. Not on my apex, that may or may not be showing evidence of my arousal, but solely on my eyes which became hooded in lust.

“Nineteen-ninety-one” he uttered.

“Cheers,” Reg replied, then he slit the man’s throat and allowed him to slump to the ground, choking on his own plasma with eyes that pleaded with mine to help him.

I turned my focus back to Reg, unable to look anywhere other than at the feral man who prowled closer to me.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he groused, voice raw and rough.

“You just looked so damn sexy, I couldn’t help myself,” I answered, my voice no longer sounded like my own.

“You almost shot me, woman,” he gritted as he stood knee to knee with me.

Blood dripped down his wrist, as it pooled along the ground at his feet. It was mesmerizing.

“Like you, Mr. surgeon, I never miss,” I whispered in a sultry tone, as I laid the gun on the hood beside me.

“That turns you on? Me mutilating that man?” he questioned in a voice that darkened and made my cunt flutter.

“You have no idea how much,” I replied lowly as I stroked a tender hand down his arm until I reached his wrist and was able to bring the hand that held the knife high into the air.

I leaned forward, the corner of my eye caught the gleam of crimson and I opened my mouth to lick the blood from the blade, while I never once took my eyes from the storm gray complexities that captured me within their raging thunderstorm depths.

Reggie’s eyes held so much turmoil, that they twisted and twirled into so many different emotions it was finally evident in his gaze. It was still almost impossible to decipher between them though. Ever since I was little, I’d stare into those eyes and promised myself one day, I’d figure it out. That I’d figurehimout.

He snatched his hand free from mine and took the blade with him. His hard chiseled face turned up in disgust as he turned his head to spit at the ground in disgrace.