“Hey, where’s Silver? I see she’s started preparing dinner,” Wells calls from the kitchen. I shake my head and walk to her room. I knock, but she doesn’t answer.

We’ve been busy the past few days, preparing for All Hallow’s Eve—I am excited to celebrate this year with her. It’s also supposed to be a full moon.

I wait another minute and knock again. Maybe she’s not here. I open the door a crack, so Lucifer can get in if he needs to, and turn to walk away but a light blue dress catches my eye. I open the door a bit more and she’s sitting there with tears down her face, eyes closed and murmuring something.Is she praying?

“Princess? Are you okay?” I move closer and she startles, eyes wide, and scooches away.Why is she looking at me like that?

“I found something,” she whispers, moving her arms around her chest.

I inch a bit closer and sit on the side of her bed. “Okay. What did you find?” I ask softly, not wanting to spook her more than she is.I can only imagine what she found.

“Don’t be mad,” she murmurs, still not meeting my eyes.

Has that sentence ever worked before?

“Everyone’s been acting so weird lately. I went snooping and... found a book. Are you guys in a cult?” she asks, finally meeting my eyes, hers filled with hesitation and fear.

I jump up and start to pace. “Guys!” I shout and she jumps.

They enter a minute later and take in the scene.

“What's wrong?” Wells asks gently, moving closer to Silver, but she jumps from the bed to add more distance between us all, holding her hands out to keep us away. His eyes flash with hurt, and he looks at me for an explanation.What the fuck do I say?I may seem completely calm, but it’s a mask—inside I’m freaking the fuck out.

Lucifer strolls in and jumps on the bed. Silver inches closer and quickly snatches him into her arms, snuggling him tight before backing away once more.

“Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on here?” Wells snarls, seconds from losing his cool. The air shifts and moisture hovers from the ceiling. I burst out laughing, startling everyone. Wells takes some deep breaths, Arrow looks perplexed, and Silver looks at me as if I’m psycho.

Not far off, Princess.

“Got you!” I shout, as if this was all an elaborate prank.

“Got me what? What the fuck is going on, Donnie?”

I chuckle. “The book you found is a prop for Halloween, Princess.”

She takes another step back but her shoulders droop a little in relief. “A prop? So it’s fake?” she asks hesitantly.

I shake my head no. “It’s not fake—we bought it off eBay from some old kook. Claims it’s real, but we just use it for fun on Halloween. Nothing sinister has happened so far.” I shrug and she giggles nervously, still not moving closer to us.

“Oh, okay. And the secret tunnel?”

Everyone freezes.Fuck.I look to one of the guys for help, but they are freaking out and not masking it. I sigh and walk closer to her, holding my hand out for her to grasp. She’s reluctant but she takes my hand.

“Let’s get a drink, and I’ll tell you all about the hidden tunnels under this school.”

Her eyes light up in excitement, but I feel lower than low. I nod at Arrow as we walk out. He knows what to do. Another ‘forget about it’ drink coming right up.

We take a seat while Arrow makes us some ‘tea’, and Silver is bouncing with anticipation to learn about the mysteries and secrets here at Alistar Academy. I wish I could tell her, but it’s too soon. She’s not to find out until the ascension—which confuses me, because the guys and I have known about this world since we were born.

“So, tell me?” she says with a smile, nudging my shoulder.

I guess I can tell her something. She won't remember it soon anyways.

“Well, this school is very old, as you know. There’s practically a village underground. Tons of tunnels and passageways leading to all sorts of cool places. We even have a church under there.” I take a breath and she squeals the girliest noise I’ve ever heard from her.