What in Satan's creation is this?A leather-bound book with a pentagram burned in the cover sits in my hands. I start to open it, but I hear laughter coming from behind the closet door.What the hell?

I quickly place the book back on the shelf and slip under the bed, facing the closet while holding my breath. A few seconds later, the door flings open and the guys pop out from what looks like a hidden tunnel. Donovan runs his hand along the wall, pressing something, and the passageway closes.

“We really need to talk to her soon. I can sense she knows something’s going on. Her emotions have been going haywire the past few days,” Wells says, sighing.

“I know, man. Soon. You know the rules,” I hear Arrow reply, before he freezes. “Do you guys hear that?”

I listen, but the blood pounding in my head is too loud.

“Now what does that damn cat want?” Wells snarls, heading out into the hall with the other guys following behind. I wait until they’ve completely left before sliding back out and moving to my room. Luc is meowing and having a fit in the kitchen, it seems. Probably since I still haven't fed him.

“What,Lucifer?!” someone yells.

I close my door and sit on my bed, trying to calm myself. Questions run through my head at such a fast pace, I feel a headache coming on. What is going on here? Who are these guys I’m falling for?

And more importantly...Am I safe?