Pushing her chair back, she stands and grabs my hand. “Come on, let’s go explore.”

I give her a big smile and shake my head no.

She whines, “But why?” I pull her back to her seat.

“Because it’s dinner time, and we just came from there Princess.” Arrow sets the mug down and I work hard not to show my wince.

“Drink your tea. Wells has popped the lasagna in; it should be done soon. I’ll take you on an exploration someday really soon, okay?”

She looks me in the eye and whispers, “Yes, King” in a sassy voice and I groan, reaching down to adjust myself. Giving me a wink, she licks her lips and takes a sip of the potion. I watch her as her silver eyes glaze over.

“How are you feeling, Princess?” I ask, as I take the cup from her hands.

She gives me a tired smile. “Sleepy, but still excited to explore with you.”

I freeze.It didn’t work?

“Explore what, Snow?” Wells comes up and rubs her shoulders.

She leans back and moans in appreciation. “The tunnels, silly,” she says with a sleepy laugh.

I look over at Arrow’s shocked face. “It didn’t work,” he mouths and I shake my head. I hand her the mug once more and she takes another sip. We wait a minute, then try again.

“When did you want to go?” I ask warily.

She looks up at me, half-asleep at this point. “I would go now, but you said it was dinner time. Why are you looking at me like that?”

I mask my shock and give her a smirk. “You called me King, remember?”

She snorts and shoves me away. “Feed me, King.” She winks, and I groan.

Such a brat.

Wells hops up to make her a plate as the timer buzzes, and I stand and motion for Arrow to follow me.

“Has this ever happened before? Maybe it's too soon since she last had a dose?” he whispers, panicking.

I shake my head and think. “No, this is strange. Maybe call Alara and ask her?” He nods and heads to his room to make the call.

I sigh and lean back against the wall, smiling at the sound of her giggles from the next room.At least she's happy.

A few days pass, and Silver will not let up about exploring. Arrow said Alara thinks her powers are starting to come through, and she’s going to be even more powerful than we thought. This both scares me and excites me.

“Please, Donnie. Just for an hour?” she begs once more.

“If you're going to insist on begging me, Princess, I’d rather you be on your knees,” I respond.

She drops to the floor right here in the living room and looks up at me.Well, fuck. She reaches out for my belt, but I grab her by the hair and pull her back.

“Not going to work, Princess. I said no,” I growl and she narrows her eyes.

“Fine. I’ll go play with Wells.” She stands and heads that way, and I plop back onto the couch.

She’s killing me!

Arrow comes around the corner and drops down beside me, sighing.

“Silver?” I ask and he nods. “She’s driving me up the wall. Maybe we should show her the torture chamber. That might get her to drop this,” I joke.