Page 38 of Breaking Perfect

He cupped his palm along the side of her face and told her, “You’re my wife and I love you. I’d give up everything for you and give my own life to protect you from getting hurt. I need to know that you trust me to know what’s safe and where your limits lie.”

“I trust you, Mason.”

“Good. I may add some additional expectations as we proceed, but for right now, that’s about it. There is one more thing, though. The third floor is yours. That guestroom will be the one place in the house you can go that stops everything until you’re ready to continue. If you feel overwhelmed and need to put on the brakes, you go there. I won’t cross that threshold unless you ask me to. No matter what. I’m giving you that space so that you always know that, in the end, you’re the one with all the power. You’re the one with the final say.”

He waited. He appeared to have said everything he intended on saying at that point and now he waited for her to accept his request. He was basically asking if she would agree to try this sort of relationship dynamic and once she agreed he would cease to ask again. At that point she would have already signed her X on the dotted line and handed him her complete acquiescence.

It was a big choice to make, a choice she probably should have thought a little longer about. She imagined any normal woman would have, but Liberty had never really been normal by society’s measuring stick. She had needs other women did not. Mason provided her with a life where she didn’t need to make excuses or explain herself. He accepted her. He wanted this as much as she did, so there should be no shame in her acceptance. His domination would be a gift, a relief, and she was eager to receive it.

“I agree.”

Chapter Six

The change in the atmosphere was obvious the moment she accepted his edict. Something animalistic glimmered in the deep set pupils of his eyes and she tried not to tremble as his smile grew into something somewhat devious. She wondered if that was the look the devil gave those after the selling of a soul. That’s what she’d basically promised her husband, her soul.

“Stand up.”

His tone was soft, but there was a definite command in his voice she wasn’t going to question. Her fingers slowly pushed the covers aside and climbed out of bed. She knew she was safe and had nothing to fear, but she couldn’t help the way her body trembled in response.

“For now on I want you coming to bed in nothing but your wedding rings unless instructed otherwise. Why don’t you take off that gown and put it away?”

He worded it as a suggestion, but Liberty heard it for the command it was. She silently slid the silk gown off of her shoulders and stepped out of it. Her nipples pulled tight when the cool air hit her flesh. Slowly walking it over to her dresser, her hands neatly folded it, and tucked it into a drawer. She returned to stand at the side of the bed to wait for his next instruction. Her thighs pressed together to keep her moisture from running down her legs.

“Good girl.” He sat up and pulled the duvet and sheet down to the foot of the bed. “Now I want you to lie down on your back.”

She did as he asked and waited, the cool central air a weightless blanket upon her naked skin. He climbed on top of her and straddled her hips. The fully erect weight of his cock tapped on her belly, doubling her arousal. Her body was pinned beneath him and that excited her more, for reasons she wasn’t yet prepared to evaluate.

“Arms above your head.”

She complied. The motion caused her spine to extend and her ribs to slightly protrude. Her slight breasts fell flat and heat rushed up her neck to the sensitive points of her ears. When she laid like this she self-consciously felt like a boy, flat chested and small.

Mason’s large hands reached for her diminutive breasts. His fingers found her little nipples and he proceeded to roll them between his thumb and index finger. She moaned when he applied a bit more pressure than she was accustomed to.

“You like when I pinch them,” he told her and he was right. “You have beautiful breasts, Liberty. I know you think they’re small, but I think they’re perfect. Sweet and tender. I love sucking on your tight little nipples. You’re so sensitive here. Perfect.”

Liberty arched beneath him as he played with her breasts a while longer, tugging and tweaking the delicate tips, and she began to fidget and squirm beneath him, but she didn’t move her arms. Her hips were still pinned between his muscular thighs. When he sat back on his heels he took his cock into his fist and began to pump his hand up and down over the smooth flesh.