Page 39 of Breaking Perfect

She’d never seen him touch himself before and found it mesmerizing. Her eyes focused on the firm way he gripped his flesh. His touch was much harder than she ever dared to touch him. His fist squeezed and the plum head of his cock produced a small pearl of moisture. His thumb ran over the drop as he continued to touch himself even as he watched her.

“Do you ever touch yourself when I’m not around, Liberty?” She looked at him and felt a fire burning under her cheeks. “Really?” he said, raising his eyebrows in amusement. Apparently her blush was answer enough. No wonder she sucked at cards. “How often?” She swallowed. Should she lie? He would know if she did. “Answer the question, Liberty.”

She glanced down to where he was still fondling himself then back up at his face. “I never used to, but recently I’ve had this urge. I’ve been doing it a lot lately.”

“How often?” he repeated. His hand was moving slowly, but pumping somewhat forcefully.

“Sometimes three times a day.”

He stilled. He obviously hadn’t expected that answer. He quickly recovered and went back to jerking himself off. “Well, I clearly have been shirking some of my responsibilities. My apologies. From now on, though, you won’t touch yourself unless I tell you to. If you have an urge, you’ll tell me, and I’ll satisfy it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mason.”

“Where do you go to masturbate?”

“I usually come up here. Sometimes I do it in the bathtub and once I did it on the third floor.”

“When you’re in the tub do you use the shower attachment?”

She stopped breathing for a moment. Why had she never thought to do that? Now she wanted to, but he just told her she wasn’t allowed to touch herself anymore without permission. Damn it. “No.”

“Do you come?”

It was titillating to hear him use such crass words. She knew all those words and used them sometimes herself, but they never really used them together, during times of intimacy. “Yes.”

“And how do you touch yourself? Do you rub your little pink clit until you climax or do you stick those pretty pink painted fingers inside of your pussy?”

Her heart rate began to race. “Usually I just touch…I don’t usually finger myself.”

“Why not?”

“It’s faster the other way.”

“So you’re doing it solely for the release not the experience?”

“I guess so,” she admitted.

“Do you fantasize while you’re doing it?”


He gave her a hard look and waited. “Who do you think about?”

She almost smiled at the hint of jealousy in his voice. He was very territorial in regards to her and that was something she liked. As Mason’s wife she would never belong to anyone else but it was nice to have it affirmed. “You.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. As a matter of fact, last Friday, an hour before you came home I was masturbating right here and as I came I screamed your name.”

His nostrils flared as he looked at her through darkening eyes. “Let me explain something to you, Liberty. You are my wife. Your body belongs to me so long as you’re willing to agree to this.”

He released his cock and leaned forward. He cupped his hands over her breasts and drew them together, plumping them back into form. “These are my tits and that’s my pussy. The one thing I can’t demand of you is your mind, but I won’t tolerate another man filling your fantasies. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mason.”

“Good.” He climbed off of her and stood up, taking a pillow with him. “Come here, please.” He stood in the center of the room where a small seating area was arranged. His hands dropped the plush ivory pillow onto the white carpet at his feet. She stood before him and waited.

Without preamble he swooped down and kissed her hard and passionately. His tongue pressed past her lips and forced its way to the back of her throat. His palm held the back of her head and his fingers knotted in her curls. He licked at her mouth and she moaned. When he pulled away she was dazed and ready to comply with whatever he wanted.

“On your knees,” he suddenly said.

She looked down to the pillow at their feet and then back up to him. He raised an eyebrow and waited. She dropped down to kneel on the pillow.

“Eyes up here.”

Liberty gazed up at him. Excitement swirled and danced in her belly, as if it were a jostled beehive holding a hundred hornets dying to break free. She was kneeling, but also sitting back on her calves. His erection poked upward toward his smooth muscled belly.

“We’re going to be doing a lot of new things, Liberty. Things you may have never tried before. I plan on touching, tasting, fucking, and marking every part of you. Your body is mine and I won’t have a wife who feels she needs to sneak off and masturbate in order to feel satisfied. Tonight I want to show you how to properly satisfy your husband.”