Page 37 of Breaking Perfect

“What do you mean by how far?” She welcomed the excitement his suggestions stirred inside of her, chasing the shadows of her past away.

“I mean, I have always sort of handled you with kid gloves. In the beginning I think that was necessary and the only way for our relationship to work in order to progress intimately and build on a foundation of trust. But I think we’ve moved past that preliminary stage. We’re solid, Lib. We have great communication and are always honest with each other. I have no doubt that our relationship can sustain a little pressure. Is this something you’d like to experiment with?”

She thought about the last few times they made love. Something had certainly changed between them. And Sunday, after Mason left for work, was the first time in weeks she hadn’t secretly masturbated. Her moods seemed all together lighter and that needy ache had subsided. It was still there, but it was somewhat pacified. A heady satisfaction accompanied their recent sessions of lovemaking that had been absent in all their past encounters. She didn’t want to go back to the way things were, lights out, gentle petting, tender kisses. She would still enjoy making slow love from time to time, but right now her body craved something a little more intense and slightly frightening yet safe, because it was with Mason.

“Would I be able to change my mind if I said yes?”

“Of course. You’ll always have a choice, even when you surrender yourself to me. There will always be a place for you to catch your breath. All you need to do is tell me you need to regroup and then we’ll stop and discuss what’s happening. Worst case scenario, we go back to the way things were. I have no complaints about how things were. I’m just wondering if they could be better.”

She considered his words and then agreed.

A slow smile curled his lips. “Good. That pleases me, Libby.”

His praise was an aphrodisiac. Her belly tightened and her pussy tingled. She really did love the way he affected her. Allowing him to be the man, to be the head of the household in all matters, gave them each very clear roles. She could trust Mason with everything and that was very freeing. To him, her submission was a gift, but to her, him taking control of the things she couldn’t, was an even bigger gift.

“Is there anything specific I can do?” she asked.

“Yes. Before we jump into this, let’s discuss some limits. I want you to be completely clear on what I’m asking of you and I want you to be honest with me if something makes you uncomfortable. I’m not saying I’ll automatically take it off the table, but we’ll definitely take some time to evaluate why something touches a nerve and then decide if it would be wiser to move ahead or take a different course. Okay?”

She nodded and he continued, “I’m done making love to you only on Fridays and Wednesday. You’re my wife and as my wife I want full access to you. If I feel like fucking in the middle of a Thursday afternoon, then I want to do just that. And from now on the lights will be on. I like watching you when you’re at the peak of your pleasure. I feel like we connect on an emotional level we were missing before when the lights were always off. I want to be in control, Liberty. I know you say you’re okay with that, but I want you to understand that when I say control I mean complete control.

“I decide how and where we make love and you’ll give me your complete submission unless you feel it’s leading you into a bad place. At that point you’ll tell me and we’ll take a minute to breathe like I said. I’m going to push your limits, Libby. I had all intensions of fucking you in the kitchen this morning and would have if Sean hadn’t walked in. There is no place in this house or on your body that’s off limits. Can you handle that?”

Her mouth was completely dry and her pussy was sopping wet. Where was this side of him coming from? Everything he said was intimidating and a little frightening, but also erotic. As he listed each demand her anticipation grew. Her heart raced as if she were on a roller coaster that just climbed up the steep ramp to its starting point and she was waiting for that unpredictable ‘click’ just before it let go.

She swallowed and rasped, “I can handle that.”

He nodded, a pleased expression on his face. “There are things we have never done, Libby, things that some women would find repulsive. There’s no shame between us. I don’t want boundaries. I’ll tell you now and I will remind you every chance I get. You’re a gorgeous woman and I enjoy looking at you and seeing you as God intended you to be. Our bodies are our own and we wouldn’t have been given the ability to do certain things if they were completely wrong. I’ll never humiliate you or purposefully cause you harm, but I will do my best to push down any unnecessary walls between us and take you to a place where all you can do is feel how incredible sex can be.”