Page 71 of Alone

“Take a seat,” Vanessa says, gesturing toward the chair facing her desk. I hear the feet of the chair scratch against the floor and assume Dorion is now sitting.

I can’t see Vanessa, but I know exactly what she’s doing. Her face is somber and she’s now leaning her elbows on her desk, lacing her fingers in front of her. She’s about to get real serious, real quick.

“Sounds like we’ve got a bit of an issue in our club,” Vanessa starts off. Man, this woman has no fear when it comes to protecting us, I swear.

“Is that so?” Dorion asks. He already sounds like his defenses are up.

“Indeed it is,” Vanessa replies matter-of-factly. “It turns out that we have some clients here that can’t seem to keep their hands to themselves when it comes to our girls.”

Dorion is silent, but I hear him clear his throat.

“If this is in fact the truth, we’re going to have to reevaluate the names that are allowed inside these walls,” Vanessa continues. Her voice is so soft and soothing it’s almost eerie.

“So,” Dorion says in the same tone he used on me last night. “What exactly seems to be the problem here?”

“You need me to spell it out for you?” Vanessa asks. I can almost hear her eyebrows raise in a ‘try me’ expression. You don’t fuck with Vanessa.

“I sure do,” Dorion replies.

“You keep your grubby paws off-,”

Vanessa’s words are cut off by the sound of the chair feet scratching against the floor. I don’t hear anything for a few seconds and I’m not sure what’s happening. I can’t see what’s going on in that room.

I send a quick SOS text to Megan’s phone before I sneak out of the closet and walk around the corner into Vanessa’s office.

That’s when my stomach does a full flop inside me as I see Dorion with his back to me, but his body on top of Vanessa’s. His hand is over her throat as she thrashes below him.

I lunge for him. Slamming my body into him and forcing him to release his grip on Vanessa’s throat. She gasps for air as I tumble to the ground with Dorion. His eyes light up as he sees me and a devilish grin spreads wide across his lips.

“You’ve come for another round with my massive cock, I see,” Dorion hisses at me, low enough that I’m the only one who can hear him as Vanessa fights for air a few feet away.

“Don’t touch her,” Vanessa growls at Dorion through rapid breaths as her hand caresses her throat.

“You can’t do shit about it,” Dorion retorts, his teeth gritted together.

“No, but I can,” I say. My eyes are in slits and focused on him as I add, “Less than twenty-four hours ago you jammed your tiny cock inside me and got off. You didn’t even use a condom. Seems as though you’re the one with the problems here. A simple rape kit will throw you behind bars for God knows how long.”

I spit at his feet as the horror in his eyes become noticeable. Then, he gathers himself and says, “I did use a condom.”

Vanessa’s eyes dart to me and I give her a look to tell her he’s lying. She calms again.

“You can’t do shit with just you,” Dorion says to me. “Nobody will believe you.”

“They’ll believe it if more of us come together,” Geani adds with an icy glare in his direction.

Dorion turns toward the door to see all four of my friends blocking his exit with their arms folded over their chests like they just came from a young teen action movie audition.

“Oh great,” Dorion says, brushing fake dirt from his suit sleeve. “The gang’s all here.”

“Damn right,” Megan spits. “And you won’t ever show your face again in this club if you want to keep your precious reputation.”

“And what if I do?” Dorion tests.

“We’ll all come forward and tell the police what you’ve done to us,” Geani threatens. “Down to the very last detail to make sure you have nothing left when we’re done with you.”

“And you think they’re going to believe you?” Dorion presses.

“Try us,” I say. “I can leave right now and go straight to the hospital for that kit. You want to go that route? Or you want the easy way out where we just let you leave and you never show your face in our club again.”