Page 72 of Alone

I see his adams apple bop as he considers our offer.

Without another word, Dorion steps toward the girls, but they don’t move. “Well, I can’t hold up my end of the bargain if you continue to block the door.”

“Swear it,” Vanessa says, glaring at him. “Swear it or I’ll go to the police with Trinity and you will be cuffed for rape and assault.”

Dorion puts his hands up. “I swear it,” he says. Then, he looks back toward the group of bodyguard strippers and says, “Now, if you don’t mind.”

They step away to allow him to pass through, but we all stand and watch as he takes his final steps out of our club and into a world filled with vulnerable women.

“I still don’t like the outcome,” I say quietly. “I don’t like that he’s still going to be out there among women who don’t know any better.”

“I agree,” Geani says, nodding slowly.

Vanessa looks at me, her throat all red and tender. “If you want, I can drive us all there now. We can get this taken care of.”

“But the club,” Megan says. “Tommy. What will happen?”

“Nothing will happen,” Vanessa says. “No repercussions will come against this place. It’s just going to be a matter of money loss with Dorion gone.”

“But we still have Elliott,” Megan says. Everyone starts to nod. “And not to mention the event we had that brought in a boat load of money. Even with the star pupil MIA.”

I feel a ping of guilt at Megan’s addition to her point.

“I didn’t mean that as a bad thing,” Megan adds, grabbing my hand. “I just mean that we’ll be okay.”

I nod, squeezing my eyes closed. Then, I force a smile and look around at everyone. “I think it’s time we all take a drive.” I look at Vanessa’s throat and then back toward Megan and Geani. “Give the asshole what he deserves.”

Then, unexpectedly, we all hear Leeah say, “I hope he doesn’t drop the soap.”

Chapter twenty-three

I Want to Go Home

Mymorningwasspentgetting violated at the hospital and giving reports to multiple police officers. I sat along with Megan and Geani as we said what was needed to prove that Dorion belonged behind bars. And we followed it up with pictures of Vanessa’s throat. Thankfully, she was smart enough to take a few photos of it after it happened and before we got to the hospital in case the redness or anything subsided.

It didn’t. But I was glad she thought ahead anyway.

I’m back at the house while the rest of the girls drove over to the club to get ready for their shift tonight. Since Tommy didn’t lighten up on me being fired yet, I told the girls it was okay for me to stay home. I did promise to hand-wash all of their outfits anyway.

Plus the fact that I’m hoping to go home to my husband and kids soon. Megan, Amanda, and Leeah don’t know that part though. They think Tommy will lighten up eventually and give me my job back. I didn’t press the issue or say I would talk to Tommy. I just told them I needed some time and they understood.

I’m loading the dishwasher and folding the rest of the clothes when I look around at a job well done. The house actually looks pretty good. Like we hired a maid… or a mom.

I get a text from Megan and it’s a selfie of her and the girls in the changing room. The caption says “WISH YOU WERE HERE” with a bunch of emojis. Geani even made an appearance in the photo.

If nothing else, I’m glad I was at least helpful with that.

“That’s nice,” I say as I groan and flop onto the couch. “Cleaning up after three women is exhausting. Especially when they’re all slobs.”

My eyes look around the room and land on the oven. That’s when my mind soars back to the conversation I had with the old woman that lives in my house.

“I hope she’s well,” I say as though someone is sitting on the couch beside me. “She really was helpful.”

Then, I get an idea.

I go rummaging through the cabinets and find the ingredients I need to repay her kindness.

As I’m holding the bag of flour, I say, “I think an apple pie will suffice.”