Page 70 of Alone

He runs a hand over his face and saunters inside as we walk around the stage and head for the changing rooms.

Vanessa is sitting on the stool to my vanity when we walk inside and she gets to her feet so quick you’d think someone kicked the chair out from under her.

“How is she?” she asks the others as though I’m not standing right in front of her.

“I’m fine,” I say before anyone else can answer for me. “I’m just ready for this to be over.”

All of this, actually. I want to go home. Home to my husband and kids, not back with Megan and the others.

I want my life back.

Vanessa opens her arms wide and I rush to her, throwing myself into her embrace. She is such a mother hen and I love how safe I feel with her. She’s always looked out for us and I love how much she cares about us.

I feel myself starting to well up at the hug from Vanessa, but I fight the tears as I pull away from her.

“Tell me everything,” she says with fire in her eyes. She looks like she’s about to rip someone’s head off.

And she has every right to feel that way.

We all do.

It takes us less than fifteen minutes to spill everything to her. Including Megan’s story which we never really got into at the house.

Vanessa looks pale as a ghost while she takes it all in. The full magnitude of what this guy has done to us. To her girls.

“I want to…” she stands again and pushes her fists together, then whirls her hands around like she’s ripping something apart. “I can’t believe this! I can’t believe he’s gotten away with it for this long.”

“Should we tell Tommy?” Leeah asks.

Vanessa shakes her head. “Tommy has problems of his own right now.” She pauses. “But good news. They’re not shutting down the club because of Lola and Candy. In fact, they were grateful that we allowed an undercover in here at all.”

“That is good news!” Megan shouts. She hugs all of us as though we were just told we got ourselves a brand new house. I think she was truly worried about losing her job here.

But now that I know the state her son is in, I guess it makes sense that she’d need the money she gets from working here.

“So,” Vanessa begins again. “Now we just need to find a way to bring him down. And we need to do it quick.”

“If you want quick, we can just go to the police,” I say. “It’s been less than twenty-four hours. I can do a rape kit…” I almost choke on the words as I say them outloud again. “I can do a rape kit and they’ll know for sure it was him.”

“And we can testify,” Geani says.

Vanessa looks at Geani and then back at the rest of us like she didn’t even realize Geani was here. I guess it’s a system shock to everyone when they see all of us together.

She shakes her head rapidly as if to clear away the questions she has regarding our enemies-to-friends status and says, “That will get the police here. And we don’t really need that after getting them off our backs last time. Plus, Tommy is going through some shit and this is the last thing he needs.” She taps her finger to her lips as she thinks. “Whatever we do, we need to keep it between us.”

“But it needs to be effective?” Megan asks.

“Obviously,” Geani replies. Then her eyes grow wide and she looks at Megan. “Sorry. Still getting used to not being a bitch to you girls.”

I chuckle and Megan smirks.

“Let’s go to the office and come up with a plan,” Vanessa says. Then, when none of us move, she claps her hands at us and we jump to our feet. “Go, go go!”

Twenty minutes later, I’m hiding in a closet outside Vanessa’s room when Dorion comes walking into the building. Megan and Geani are sitting in Megan’s car waiting for the text that they can come inside and play their part if necessary.

Leeah and Amanda are at their vanities getting ready, and have their “hey stud” looks locked and loaded to make him feel like he still owns the place.

I shudder as he walks by the closet and into Vanessa’s office. Thankfully, where I’m at, I can hear the entire conversation and will know when to hop out of this closet and block the doorway.