Lord Newford was smaller in stature than Patrick, with narrowed, shifting green eyes which seemed to look everywhere at once. Patrick chuckled and walked towards him, shaking Lord Newford’s hand firmly.

“Good afternoon, good afternoon!” he exclaimed, as Lord Newford only managed the smallest of smiles which disappeared the very next moment. “I am very glad that you were able to call today”

Lord Newford’s eyes narrowed all the more, until only two small slits were seen.

“I am sure there is a reason for your interest in having me call, Lord Addenbrook.”

Patrick grinned.

“Not at all! Would you care for some refreshments?” He gestured for the gentleman to sit down, and, after a moment of further scrutiny, Lord Newford did so. “Let me ring the bell.”

Once he had done so, Patrick sat back down opposite Lord Newford with a sense of growing anticipation tightening his chest. This had all been thoroughly planned and Patrick was confident that his servants would not let him down.

“You had a most enjoyable house party, I trust?”

Patrick nodded.

“It was excellent,” he confirmed, wondering if there was a hint of jealousy in Lord Newford’s remark. “I should be glad to invite you to one of my other house parties which I have planned.”

Lord Newford’s eyebrows rose.

“You have another planned?”

“I have anotherthreeplanned!” Patrick laughed. “I left London for the sole purpose of throwing such house parties so that I might be blessed with the company of those I choose.”

Lord Newford blinked.

“I see.”

The fact that Lord Newford had not expressed any sort of amazement that Patrick would do such a thing and, rather, appeared more surprised, irritated him.

“I have the wealth for such things, as you know, so why should I not have the very best of company?”

Lord Newford smiled tightly but did not say anything. Patrick’s lips pulled flat, his brow furrowing. This was not what he had expected. He had thought that Lord Newford would admire him for such a thing, would think him quite the gentleman for having more than one house party in the Season but instead, Lord Newford simply sat there, saying very little.

The scratch at the door indicated the arrival of the tea tray and, much to Patrick’s delight, the item that he knew Lord Newford would react to.

“Come in.”

He watched the maid come in with the tea tray and then, stepping out for the second time, come back in with another tray which held a single item covered with a cloth.

Lord Newford’s eyes flicked to it, but he did make any remark. Patrick smiled to himself, already expecting to garner much satisfaction from Lord Newford’s reaction.

“Now, before we partake, I should like to show you something.”

With one outstretched hand, he reached for the cloth covering the item, ready to pull it back. His eyes were fixed upon Lord Newford and, as he pulled the cloth back, he waited expectantly for the man to gasp or to let out some sort of exclamation – and he was not disappointed. Lord Newford’s eyes flared wide, and he stared down at the item. He appeared utterly transfixed and Patrick leaned back in his chair, satisfied.

“You have a Turner.”

“I do,” Patrick replied, grinning. “I know that you are a great admirer of Joseph Turner’s paintings and thus, I decided to purchase one.”

Lord Newford’s eyes flicked to Patrick and then back to the painting. His eyes were still wide, but he eventually sat back, his arms crossing over his chest as he dragged his gaze away from the painting.

“You decided to purchase the most expensive of all of his works thus far, I see.”

“I did.” Patrick shrugged, that same feeling of contentment running through him, curling up into a ball of satisfaction. “I thought it would be an excellent addition to my current collection.”

Lord Newford closed his eyes briefly, then tried to smile. It was not a particularly strong smile, however, and quickly faded.