Her reflection did not answer her, and Albina’s shoulders dropped. There was no simple answer, no easy way for her to find a solution to her predicament. She had no doubt that her fatherwouldfind a way to force her into wedlock if he chose to do so. One way or the other, he would have her standing at the front of the church.And even if I do not make my vows, that will not matter.She had seen it before. A young lady made the smallest of sounds, and it was taken for an assent. Would her father truly go as far as to force her to do that?

Her head dropped. Her father was not a kind man, and he had never really shown any sort of consideration for Albina, aside from promising her that she should have the opportunity to choose the gentleman she tied herself to for the rest of her days. Now, it seemed, he had decided to break that promise, simply so that he could have an easier life for himself. With no daughter to consider, he would have nothing but his estate, his wife, and his own pleasures to concern him.

An aching sob lodged itself in Albina’s heart, sending pain throbbing through her chest. She dropped her head into her hands once more, tears streaming from her eyes and through her fingers.

Just what was she to do?

Chapter One

“What is it now?”

Patrick scowled as his butler walked into the room, a silver tray in hand.

“You have a letter, my Lord.”

Sighing heavily, Patrick snatched it from the tray.

“Did I not say that I was not to be interrupted?”

The butler inclined his head.

“You did, my Lord, but you also stated that you wished to be brought any correspondence the moment it arrived. I am sorry if I mistook your direction.”

Grimacing, Patrick did not answer. As much as he did not want to admit it, Patrick knew the butler spoke the truth. Breaking the seal on his letter, he pulled it open and quickly read the contents.

His mouth flattened.

“I am being sent a governess.” The butler said nothing. “I did inform you that I wrote to Mrs. Patterson?”

His servant nodded.

“You did, my Lord.”

“Well, it seems that she has found someone more than suitable and the lady will be joining us by the end of the week!” This, whilst a relief, did not take away from the fact that he still had a nephew to care for – a situation which he did not like in the least. “The child will no longer be able to run about this house as though he owns every single room within it.” Folding up the letter, he set it back on the tray. “Have that put in my study.”

Nodding, the butler turned.

“Of course.”

“And make preparations for the governess,” Patrick called after him. “Oh, and do send up Lord Newford whenever he arrives.”

Whether or not the butler said anything, Patrick did not know. He did not care. He expected that his orders would be followed without question and without any fraction of hesitation. Sighing contentedly, Patrick leaned his head back and allowed his eyes to close – just as he had been doing before the butler had so rudely interrupted him. Having spent some time in London, Patrick had returned to his estate so that he might enjoy moreselectcompany and the first of his house parties was already at an end, which explained his great fatigue. He smiled to himself. It had been a most enjoyable few days and the next house party was already planned for the end of the following week! His staff would find the task arduous, he was sure, but that did not concern him. He had wealth and, if required, he would simply hire staff to replace those who complained.

And now the governess is coming.

That made his smile spread even further. The governess would take care of his nephew Henry, which would permit Patrick to have just as much freedom as he normally would. This last house party had, unfortunately, had a few moments when he had been called away to deal with issues arising from the child. With no governess to speak of, and only two young maids to try to take care of him, Henry was proving himself to be a rambunctious young man who irritated Patrick terribly - both by his actions, and by the fact that his very existence reminded Patrick of all that he had lost. At only four years of age, Henry seemed to manage to slip away from the maids whenever he wished and had often been found roaming the halls of Patrick’s great estate.And the library.Patrick’s lip curled at the memory. He had been very close to stealing a kiss from one of the young ladies who had come to call for the house party and, had it not been for Henry throwing open the library door and stepping inside, Patrick was sure he would have succeeded.

“Not that I cared for the chit at all.”

Scrubbing one hand down his face and letting his voice bounce around the room, Patrick sighed aloud and settled his head back again. He just needed a few moments of rest before Lord Newford came to call. Patrick had something he had recently purchased to show him – something that he knew would make Lord Newford more than a little envious, and that thought brought Patrick a lot of delight. To possess more than other gentlemen, to have a title greater than the majority of gentlemen – these things Patrick clung onto with both hands. For what good was wealth if it could not be held aloft, over the heads of other gentlemen, who might then, in turn, wish that they could be as he was?

“Lord Newford, my lord.”

Patrick jerked in surprise, having been tugged out of his thoughts by the knock on the drawing-room door.

“Yes, of course.”

Throwing himself out of his chair, he straightened his jacket and then grinned broadly at Lord Newford as he walked into the room.