“Shall we have coffee? I do not want to be away from my estate for too long and, as you know, it takes me a little over an hour to reach you.”

“Of course.”

Patrick poured the coffee quickly then gestured to Lord Newford to take it. There was nothing Patrick liked more than showing his wealth and possessions to others. He did not care whether they thought little of him because of it – he had plenty of friends who were glad of his companyandhis wealth, without even allowing a single hint of jealousy into their friendship with him. Lord Newford, he knew, had been eager to own a painting by Turner and, now that Patrick had found himself in a position to purchase one, he’d had only one thought: to show the painting to Lord Newford. The man would, no doubt, be envious of Patrick’s wealth and standing but that was just as Patrick liked it. He wanted to continually remind those near to him that, as a Marquess, he was far above them in terms of his titleandhis fortune and this was, he had found, one of the best ways to achieve such a thing.

“You asked me here to show me the Turner painting, then?”

Lord Newford’s eyebrow lifted, and Patrick shrugged.

“I thought you would appreciate it.”

“You thought that it would show you in the best light, no doubt,” Lord Newford shot back, quickly. “I am to be reminded once more of your substantial wealth and that nothing is beyond your reach, is that not so?”

Patrick laughed, trying to throw the remark aside without being required to answer it – but at that moment, the door flew open and a small, dark-haired figure rushed into the room.

All of Patrick’s smiles fled as the small boy charged forward, spinning in-between the chairs and screeching at the top of his voice.


The boy did not respond. Patrick rose to his feet and used his most commanding voice.

“That is enough! Take yourself back to the nursery this instant!”

Instead of responding meekly and doing as Patrick had asked, Henry merely let out a shriek of laughter and attempted to run straight past Patrick.

Reaching out one hand, Patrick grabbed the boy’s arm and pulled him back… directly into the table and the tea tray set upon it. The tray was upended from the force of Henry’s small frame slamming against it, and the coffee itself decided to make its way in a beautiful arc towards the Turner painting.

Silence fell.

All Patrick heard was the sound of his heavy breathing as his eyes fixed themselves to the now coffee-splattered painting.

And then, Lord Newford chuckled.

Every part of Patrick’s frame tightened.

“I think I shall leave you to your painting, Lord Addenbrook.”

Rising from his chair, Lord Newford reached forward and ruffled Henry’s hair. The boy jumped in surprise, threw a quick look at Patrick, and then ran from the room.

Patrick could not miss the glee in Lord Newford’s expression.

“Good afternoon, Lord Addenbrook. I do hope that you find the very best place for that particular picture to hang. I am sure it will take pride of place in your collection, as you have said. Goodbye.”

There was not enough grace in Patrick’s character to permit him to bid Lord Newford farewell. He was left utterly mortified with his painting now dripping wet with coffee and the carpet completely soaked. The small boy in his care was gone but had left a trail of destruction behind him.

Patrick’s hands curled into fists as his mounting temper began to burn hot.That little brat.The child he did not want, the child he had been forced to take on, had ruined his afternoon – and his standing – in front of Lord Newford. Throwing open the door, Patrick stormed through his manor house, shouting for his butler, for the maid, for the footman, and in particular, demanding that the small boy who had caused so much trouble stayed out of his sight for the remainder of the day.

That governess could not come soon enough.

Chapter Two

“Thank you for taking me in.”

Albina’s voice was trembling as she grasped the hands of her old governess.

“I truly did not know who to turn to.”

“That is quite all right, my dear. Now, drink this cup of tea and we will soon have you rested.”