Page 24 of Giving Up

I know it’s just him and me in the lot when I hear his broken voice. “It’s so fucking hard.”

My own heart accelerates. “What is?” I ask, desperate for clarification.

“Staying away from you.”

His nose finds the crook of my neck and he inhales deeply.

And with that, he parts from me and walks back to the SUV.

Not another word.

Not a look back.

* * *

I lay on my stomach on Emily’s bed, waiting for her to show me the nth outfit of the afternoon.

“What about this one?” she asks, coming out of her walk-in closet with a giant Tommy Hilfiger sweater she wears as a dress and that makes her look like the most preppy girl in town. That means something in Stoneview.

“Sure, that fits perfectly at a Stoneview party,” I giggle. I stuff another chicken nugget in my mouth and carry on with a full mouth. “It’s not vewy sekshi though.”

“Excuse me?” she chuckles. “Manners, young lady.”

“It’s not very sexy,” I repeat after swallowing. “Don’t you want to show Luke what he’s missing?”

“Luke isn’tmissinganything. We’re meant to have parted on good terms.”

“Right.” I roll my eyes. “Are you going to have another one?” I say pointing at the nuggets. “We got these for you. If your mom could see…”

“Yes, stop eating all of them.”

“But I’m hungry,” I groan, rolling onto my back.

Her face appears above me, lips pinched. “’Me, bestie to bestie, are you really going to wear that? I thought you wanted to give the whole Cole thing a chance.”

“What’s wrong with my outfit?” I gasp, sitting up. I look down at my body and my mouth twists, agreeing with Emily’s statement.

“These,” Emily says, pulling at my simple blue mom jeans then tapping my red converse. “Make you look like a child. You can’t wear loose clothes, ‘Me, it’s just not your shape.”

“A bit rude but okay-”

“And this,” she pinches the white tee I’ve put on top of a tightly fitted turtleneck. “Jesus Christ what the fuck is this?” she laughs.

“Stop being so mean,” I moan.

She helps me off the bed, grabs a nugget and we both walk to the closet.

I come out fifteen minutes later not recognizing myself in the mirror.

“Really, Em? Black vinyl pants. They’re so shiny, why so shiny?”

“I like the red bra,” she beams. “Put this on.” She gives me a tight tank top, clearly see-through.

“Have you ever worn this? It’s so tight,” I pant as my head emerges from the top.

“No. My mom wishes though.”

“EvenIcan’t breathe in it,” I sigh. “Your mom is delusional.”