Page 25 of Giving Up

“Now, now, that’s not news, babes. See now you can wear your ugly-ass red converse. It goes well.”

“We can see my bra,” I hesitate, looking at my deep red lacy bra.

“Exactly, it goes really well with the converse.” She puts on a pair of thigh-high boots to go with her dress and her outfit suddenly becomes ten times sexier.

“What do we think?”

“Very nice,” I nod. My phone beeps on the bed and Emily grabs it before me.

“Uh, why is Rose White asking you if you’re going to Cole’s?”

“Oh, I can explain.”

I keep to myself Rose’s well-guarded secret, but I do explain that whenever she has trouble with Nathan she comes to my house.

“I can’t believe what happened at school today. Jason must be so messed up. Do you know what Beth put in the cheerleader group? She said it was karma for cheating on her for so long. The girl is such a bitch, Jason is probably out of the tournament at this point.”

I roll my eyes at the drama. Bethisa bitch and Jason didn’t deserve what happened to him. At the same time, I can’t help thinking Beth didn’t deserve to be cheated on.

Look who’s talking.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Emily cuts through my thoughts. “But Beth and Jason should have never been a thing. The only reason they are ‘together’ is because Beth’s parents have lost all their money and are desperate to marry their spoiled only child to the mayor’s son. You know Beth fucks Mr. Corragan, right?”

“What?!” I choke on another chicken nugget. “Our calculus teacher?”

“Yeah. She is only interested in Jason’s money I can assure you. So, she reallyisa bitch to put that in the group.”

“Whatever,” I mumble as I reply to Rose that I am indeed going to Cole’s party.

Emily escapes downstairs and comes back up with two beers.

“Already?” I ask.

“Yeah, I need a drink to forget that you used to date the Whites’ older brother. What a fucking mess,” she chuckles.

“Thanks for the reminder. Give me that.” I grab one of the open beers from her hand and she hurries to put some music from her ‘let’s get hyped up’ playlist.

We drink, we take a million selfies on Emily’s famous round bed that always features on her Instagram, and cheer another beer to finding new boyfriends, even if none of us can get over our exes.

When my phone beeps again, Emily grabs it.

“I can’t even believe you’re besties with Rose White,” she giggles into her beer. “How could you leave me out of this? You know I have a huge crush on her.”

“Maybe she can be your rebound,” I joke.

“I fucking wish. She’s asking if you want—” she stops unexpectedly.


“If you want…um…Luke to drive you.”

I shake my head ‘no’. “No, we’re going together. Give me that, I’ll tell her.”

But instead of giving me my phone, Emily looks at me with a glint of cheekiness in her eyes. “Let’s go with her.”

“You want to get into Luke’s car?” This girl is on another level of confused.

“No. Let’s pick her up and go with her. Come on, I’m dying to spend time with Rose. Let’s do it and hopefully, it can piss off Luke. Two birds, one stone, baby.”