Page 23 of Giving Up

“’Me,” Emily begs as I get up. “Don’t.”

But I’m already gone, and I know she’s after me, following the pack of angry lacrosse players. I’m quickly followed by the rest of the students, desperate for a bit of tough action at Stoneview Prep.

I manage to make my way to the parking lot at the same time as Cole. It’s a sad sight to see Jason curled up on the floor, Nathan practically stomping on him.

“Touch her again and see what happens, you piece of shit.” Nathan is fuming.

“Where’s Rose?” I ask Cole.

“That car,” he points at Sam’s SUV where Rose is angrily knocking on the window. Cole is already following his teammates.

Fear courses through my body. Nathan is strong, but not strong enough to take on half a dozen lacrosse players on his own.

“Shit,” I whisper, already hating myself for going headfirst toward trouble. And for who? Fucking Nathan White.

Rose is already back from the car, raging at her brother. “Tell your fucking pet to come out here! You two are fucking cowards, I swear.”

Nathan gives another kick to Jason, whimpering on the floor. I can see from the corner of my eyes Scott, Luke, and Cole helping Jason back up, his big form all hunched over. It seems the other players are not as brave as one expected.

It only takes a split second for Nathan to turn to his sister, grabbing her by the lapels of her uniform jacket.

“You’re a real fucking stupid girl, you know that?”

“Nathan!” I shout in shock. Rose is already shrugging off his bloodied knuckles from her jacket.

“Fuck off,” she growls. “You wanna tell me that was for me as well? I feel so fucking safe, thanks!”

I grab Nathan’s shoulder, pulling him away from Rose and putting myself between them. “That’s enough,” I order. “You’re losing it completely!”

But it’s not only Nathan that needs to be held back. Rose is burning with hate and before I know it, she’s trying to push me out of the way to claw at her brother. I hear Chris and Luke talking to her, trying to calm her down.

“I’m gonna fucking kill you, you know that? Second time lucky, motherfucker!”

“Rose, stop,” Chris begs, desperately trying to control her.

I have to put two hands on Nathan’s shoulders as he makes it to go past me again. He’s clearly not truly trying, or he would easily push me away.

“Why would you do this?” I ask him. My voice is drowning in despair. Jason didn’t deserve his wrath. Rose deserves some freedom.

Nathan answers my question when he addresses Rose again, pushing slightly against my body.

“Do you know what Bianco would do to you if he caught you sleeping around like a fucking slut?!”

He takes a step back, dejected and I’m surprised when one of his hands lands between my shoulder blades, bringing me with him. I end up head against his chest and I hear his heart galloping wildly.

“I’m trying to keep you alive here,” he barks at her and if I hadn’t had my ear right against his chest and his hand tightening around my uniform jacket, I would probably not have realized how true those words were.

I hear the tremble deep in his throat and the skip of his heart. I hear that famous scratch when he tries to hold back fear. I hear the frozen vocal cords when someone tries to keep down the tears.

Nathan White is scared.

And I’m the last one who would have thought it possible.

But Rose didn’t hear what I heard, and she is far past the point of reason.

“Fuck you, Nate,” she rasps. “You’re the worst thing that’s ever happened to us. And where’s my brother, huh?! The important one! The one that fucking cares!”

It takes a few minutes for Chris and Luke to talk some sense into Rose. For the crowd to disperse. And in all that mess, I’m just here, hugging Nate as his heart rate slowly calms down.