Her eyes widen in fear and she wriggles harder under my hold.
“Why are you reacting like this? I’m honest with you, isn’t that what you wanted? You wanted to know why I wasn’t giving into you. Now you know!”
I frown at her in confusion. “What?”
“I told you the truth. I thought that’s what you wanted.”
“What did you say? What was the truth?”
I’m so confused. She must have said something a minute ago, but I didn’t hear, I was too blinded by rage. Now she’s got my attention again. “Tell me again,” I order.
“I’m seeing someone, Jake. I can’t do this to him, and I can’t do this to you. I’m in love with him.”
My cold heart drops so hard in my stomach I feel sick. That’s impossible.
“That’s a lie.”
“It’s not a lie,” she says as she squirms. I know her wrists are hurting but I can’t let go.
“I warned every fucker in this school that they would have to deal with me if they touched you or so much as think of dating you, Angel. So, you’re lying. The question is why?”
“I’m not lying. He doesn’t go to Stoneview Prep. Please let go.” She pulls at her wrists, but it only makes me tighten my hold.
“You’re lying.”
I can’t find anything else to say because ithasto be a lie. Jamie belongs to me. She’s mine.
“I’m not lying,” she whimpers. “Why would I? Please...you’re hurting me.”
“Jake!” Camila’s voice drives me out of my fury, and I look behind my shoulder.
She and Beth are standing by the kitchen. Beth is holding a huge bowl of pink punch. Of course they’re here, they both offered to help tonight, pretending they wanted extra credit when everyone but Jason knows it’s because Beth is fucking the calculus teacher and this works as a date for them.
Cam walks toward me when Beth stays frozen in place. The sounds of her heels on the floor and the golden Cartier bracelets she wears hitting against the other is slowly taking me out of my trance.
When she reaches me, she puts a hand on my shoulder, and I realize I’m panting with anger and hate.
“Let her go,” she says in a stern voice.
It wouldn’t be the first time she sees me in this kind of state. Two years. She’s seen me in all kinds of states and she’s not scared. If anything, I know it turns her on. The smell of Camila’s strong feminine perfume grounds me. It’s the opposite of Jamie’s. It’s dominating and imposing. Jamie’s is soft and bewitching.
“Let her go, Jake,” she repeats. So I slowly release Jamie’s wrists.
From the corner of my eyes, I can see her rubbing them together, but I try to focus on Camila. Her golden eyes, her black thick hair, her gorgeous Latina skin. She’s glowing in her pink dress and she’s tall enough to almost reach my height with heels on.
“Let’s go,” she takes my hand, “she’s not worth it. You know that.”
I let Camila drag me away, my breath still too fast for me to reply. I let my feet follow her, enchanted by her beauty and her smell. I don’t give Jamie a last look, I don’t even turn back when I hear a splash and a loud gasp. I simply don’t care. She can go back to fucking her real boyfriend for all I care. Let them have their happy ending.
I know I’m lying to myself because the hate I currently feel for Jamie for seeing someone else is burning like a wildfire in me. I have no right and I’m aware of that. I still wish I could find the bastard and make him pay for stealing what is mine.
When we reach the ballroom,I feel like I can breathe again. It’s like I’m finally far enough to break the spell Jamie has on me. Camila rubs my arm lovingly and I turn to face her.
“Thank you,” I say.
“Jake. You can’t do this. Not here, not to her.”
I run a hand through my hair that is back to being a fucking mess. “I know,” I reply in a sigh.