
“Maybeyoushould try to stay focused.”

• • •

Roland knew there was no way he could focus on anything other than the way his heart was pounding and his erection was throbbing. When he and Lennox had first talked about the sexual energy between them, he’d thought avoidance was the best way to go--thesafestway to go. Now he wasn’t so sure. How could he be, when he wanted her with every ounce of his being?

Last night had been a game-changer for them. The moment he’d heard the gun shots in the woods, where he’d left her with the girl, he’d been terrified. It had hit him like a blow to his chest. His stomach had dropped and he’d been consumed with the need to put down anyone who might have hurt her.

When had he ever reacted to a possible life-threatening event like that? Made him believe his biggest regret, if he’d died, would be that he’d never get the chance to taste her again. Or make love to her… Never.

Roland had to be honest with himself. He’d wanted Lennox for a while. It hadn’t just been last night. He’d wanted her the moment he met her. But that first attempt on her life had sealed the deal for him. And what happened last night had just reaffirmed his desire to protect her, keep her safe, be there if she needed him. Why? He wasn’t at all sure. Maybe it was because he hadn’t been there for Becca when she’d needed him most.

“I guess I’d better get ready for today and then I’ll check out what’s in the fridge so I can start breakfast.”

She made a move to get out his lap and his hand tightened around her, holding her in place. “Don’t go yet.”

“Why not?”

God help him, he couldn’t release her. Not right now. He wanted her. At that moment he could eat her alive. She was all woman, a temptation he couldn’t resist. Nor did he want to. It would be her choice now. But first he needed for her to understand something.

“Regardless of what I said the other day, I want to kiss you again so much I ache. But you need to know something, Lennox.”


“No matter what happens between us, no matter how far we take things, it can’t get serious. I won’t do that again.”

“So in other words,” she said, “you’re letting me know that we can hook-up, just to satisfy our physical needs. But nothing more, right?”

He nodded. Although he hadn’t liked the way she’d said it, she had spoken the truth. “That’s right.”

Roland saw a smile spread across her lips. “I believe in possibilities, Roland,” she said softly.

He tried not to let her words annoy him, but they did anyway. “You can believe what you want, Lennox. But you need to fully understand that there aren’t any possibilities when it comes to me.”

She stared at him for what seemed like the longest time, then she eased off his lap. He stood as well. Neither said anything as their gazes locked and then she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered, “If you want to believe in finality, then by all means, do so. I, however, will continue to believe in a world of possibilities, Roland. Infinite possibilities.”

Then she moved even closer, rising to her tiptoes. He slid his arms around her back…and then slanted his mouth across hers.

• • •

Lennox knew that she and Roland sharing another kiss was inevitable. Just like it would be when they shared a bed. He just didn’t know it yet. So, for the time being, she’d accept what he’d said…but very soon, she was sure Roland would discover there were always possibilities, even when there didn’t appear to be any. A person should never give up hope.

For now though, she would enjoy this—his possession of her mouth, mating with it, sucking the very air from her lungs as he seduced her with hot, penetrating glides of histongue. Then those glides soon became demanding strokes, demonstrating once again just what an expert kisser Roland was.

Sensations she’d never felt before surged up and all through her as he continued to boldly take possession of her mouth. He was making this kiss spill right into her very soul and was savoring her taste as greedily as she was savoring his.

When his cell phone suddenly rang, he abruptly broke off the kiss. She immediately felt the absence of his mouth. He moved one of his hands from around her and grabbed the phone. “Yeah, Quasar?” Moments later he smiled. “Thanks. And tell Dak that I appreciate it.”

When Roland disconnected the call, he pulled her back into his arms. But instead of resuming their kiss, he gently touched his lips to her jaw before licking around the corners of her mouth. Then he pulled back and looked down at her. “As much as it pains me, I’m afraid we’ll have to finish this later. Thanks to Dak, we’re getting a new set of wheels and we need to do the swap ASAP. We’ll grab breakfast on the way.”

Lennox knew that after what had happened last night, using a different vehicle made perfect sense. “Will we be returning here?”

He nodded. “We’ll be here for about three days.”

She was glad to hear that. Hopefully it would be safe for her to take a walk on the beach. “I’ll be ready to leave in a few.”

She turned to walk to the door, but he reached out and snagged her hand, pulling her back against him. He then proceeded to take her mouth with a greed that made heatcurl inside of her. It seemed as if he was pouring everything he was, everything he had, into this kiss. She couldn’t help moaning into his mouth as desire surged through her.