
“What would you like for breakfast this morning?” he asked her.

Did he seriously want her to tell him? And could he handle it if she did?

Seeing him bare-chested was doing things to her—like urging her to remove her top and get bare-chested right along with him? Did he know she wasn’t wearing a bra…or any panties? That she had an intense ache radiating from her core, just because their thighs were skin-to-skin?


Her mind was reeled back to the question he’d asked. “What do you have?”

“Since I’d originally planned for us to stay here a week, I would imagine the refrigerator is pretty packed.”

So are you, she wanted to say, if what she felt pressing against her backside was anything to go by.


He said her name again in that deep, ultra-sexy husky voice. “Yes?”

“Stay focused.”

She was trying, but it was difficult, especially after the way he’d dismissed the chemistry between them a few evenings ago. He’d basically drawn a line in the sand and daredher to cross it. Which, of course, made her determined to do just that.

But though she’d decided to seduce him, she had to admit that she honestly didn’t know where to start. She’d never had to seduce DeWalt. Their lovemaking sessions had always been fairly routine. From the start, he’d let her know he was a ‘make-love-at-night’ guy. Not morning, noon or any-time in between. Just at night, when they retired for bed.

Since sex was never a big deal for him, it hadn’t been for her either. They’d been more passionate about their careers than getting it on in the bedroom. Making love with DeWalt had always been satisfying, and for her, that had been enough.

But that, in a nutshell, was the problem. She had a feeling making love to Roland would be so much more than satisfying--it would be out of this world fantastic. Mind-blowing even. All she had to do was think back to the way he’d looked fighting that guy and she got all hot and bothered.

She had reached the cabin but had remained hidden in the trees, so she didn’t mess with his concentration. The man he’d fought had been a formidable opponent, but in the end, Roland had come out the victor. But what a show he’d given her! She’d seen what great masculine shape he was in, how well he could move his body, and damn, could he kick ass.

“You want to talk about it, Lennox?”

She blinked. “About what?”

“What has you so unfocused this morning. I understand what happened last night would leave anyone pretty damn emotional. Just remember, you did what you hadto do. Not just for your own survival, but the survival of twelve young girls.”

Did he honestly think that was the reason she was unfocused this morning? Granted, it had been what had driven her to his room last night, but after waking up this morning, wrapped in his arms and sitting in his lap while he was half-dressedandhad a hard-on, she definitely had something else on her mind.

“Don’t worry about breakfast. I can do it, Roland.” It was either that or drive herself crazy with all the ways she could do him. “What would you like?”

Was she mistaken or had she just seen awareness flash in his eyes? Yeah, she’d seen it and that had her wondering if maybe his brain had gone as foggy as hers.

“You want to know what I would like?” His husky voice had become deeper.

She decided to test her theory by shifting her body slightly, then inwardly smiled when that flash in his eyes reappeared. His erection had grown, too. So maybe it wasn’t just morning wood after all.

“Yes. Tell me what you want, Roland, and I’ll make sure you get it.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment. “You are talking about breakfast, right?”

Her hardened nipples felt sensitive against her pajama top. “What else would I be talking about?” She moved again in his lap, the slightest little bit, and felt him growing, enlarging beneath her.

When he didn’t answer, but merely continued to look at her,hisgaze now rather unfocused, she asked, “What time do we have to leave here today?”

He didn’t answer that question either, but instead, tightened his arms around. Whether it was to make sure she kept still or to make sure she didn’t get out of his lap, she wasn’t sure. He just sat there, holding her tight and staring into her eyes, as if trying to hypnotize her with desire. Newsflash for him. She was already there.

He had to know what he was doing to her, looking at her this way. Even in the beginning, they’d had this eye-thing going on between them. No matter where they were or what they were doing, whenever their glances connected, it was as if everything and everyone around them ceased to exist, while heated lust flowed between them. “Roland?”