He suddenly broke off the kiss, then whispered against her moist lips, “We’ll finish this later.”

She reached up, patted his bearded chin and smiled. “Yes, Roland, we most definitely will.”

“I’M GLAD TO GETback here.”

Roland glanced over at Lennox as he closed the door behind them. He was glad to be back, too. Swapping out vehicles had taken longer than he’d expected, though mainly because he, and the person who’d brought the other vehicle for them, had to be sure they hadn’t been followed.

On the way to pick up their new wheels, he’d made contact with Special Agents Warner and DuBose. So far no one was aware that Roland and Lennox had been involved in the rescue of the sex-trafficking victims. However, the Feds had discovered that an unknown source was checking the airlines database for flights in their names. So it seemed as if the people looking for them were expecting them to travel by air and not by car—at least for now.

But Roland wasn’t taking any chances. Although Lennox didn’t know it, Roland had asked Byron to hang around, protecting their backs while they were in this area, just in case. Luckily, the house was on a private lane. Byron would alert him if anyone tried coming down the road leading to it.

He and Lennox had grabbed breakfast at a café and because the place hadn’t been crowded, they’d dined in. Still, to be on the safe side, Roland had chosen a table in the back where he sat facing the door. He’d also been observant of everyone around them.

Now they were back at the house and all he could think about was what they’d put off for later. Because later was now. Lennox stood in the middle of the living room and removed the straw hat she’d been wearing. Desire kicked in hard when all that long, luxurious black hair that had been stuffed under the hat flowed to her shoulders.

She had worn the hat instead of the wig today. But as far as he was concerned, Lennox had the kind of beauty that drew a man’s attention, whether she was in disguise or not. She literally stopped men in their tracks. And it didn’t help matters that she was wearing a pair of cut-off jeans and a tank-top that emphasized her curvy body and gorgeous legs.

He’d forgotten just how much attention she could draw until they’d walked into the cafe for breakfast. For a quick minute, he’d considered leaving when several people glanced over at them in curiosity, as if they thought she was a celebrity or something. He was glad no one had approached them and he hadn’t seen anyone pull out a phone to snap a picture.

“Do you want some lunch, Roland?”

He moved away from the door. “Why? Are you hungry?”

She chuckled as she sat down on the sofa then leaned back against the cushion. “Are you kidding? After what I put away for breakfast, I doubt I’ll want to eat anything for the next month. Or at least, until dinner,” she laughed.

He felt the same way. They had ordered a full course meal--strawberry waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage and the most delicious coffee he’d tasted in a long time. “I’m good until dinner, too.”

“Do you want to take a walk on the beach?” she asked.

He glanced out the window and noticed dark clouds forming overhead. “It’s look like we’re in for a storm. Maybe we should take that walk on the beach tomorrow.”

If what he’d said disappointed her, it didn’t show. Did that mean that the idea of being locked inside the house with him for the rest of the day didn’t bother her? The possibility made his heart skip a few times before starting to race wildly in his chest.

He watched as she followed his gaze out the window. “You might be right.” She looked back at him. “You don’t think we’ll lose power, do you?”

“It’s not likely, but if we do, there is a generator that will kick in.”

He knew he needed to drag his gaze away from her, even if it was only to look back out the window. But he couldn’t. “I never gave you a tour of this house.”

“No, you didn’t.”

He took a few steps to the sofa and extended his hand to her. “Let me show you around.”

She placed her hand in his and the moment she did, desire slammed into him hard. He had to control himself or he would be in trouble. He gave a gentle tug on her hand and she eased from the sofa. “Thanks.”

But instead of releasing her hand, he continued to hold it as he gave her a tour of the five-bedroom, five-bath home that included a spacious eat-in kitchen with a magnificentview of the beach, as well as a massive living and dining room. There was also a game room, a gym, a theater room and a family room, all on the first floor. The bedrooms were upstairs. He’d deliberately saved those for last.

He released her hand, allowing her to climb the stairs ahead of him and he couldn’t help but appreciate the view of her hips in those cut-offs as she moved upwards, stair by stair. His erection grew with every step she took.

When she reached the landing, she turned and waited for him. She swept her gaze over him and he knew the minute she saw his aroused state. When their eyes met, he groaned in raw appreciation and need.

She was giving him a look that told him everything he needed to know right then. Nothing else mattered. Not the danger they were in or the storm that was now bearing down on them. Right now, they were dealing with another type of storm, one just as fierce and powerful. One that had been brewing since the day he’d first laid eyes on her. While a part of him had been resisting this, he was suddenly very glad the moment was here.


The sound of his name on her lips drove him over the top. He felt totally ensnared by a woman for the first time since Becca. And, for a split second, he felt vulnerable in a way he’d never felt before. But there was no reason for it--he’d meant what he’d told her that morning. He didn’t want to become seriously involved with any woman. So it shouldn’t matter to him if she believed his words or wouldn’t accept them. She’d been forewarned. But…

“Yes, Lennox?” Desire hummed through him and when she took a step toward him, his stomach tightened with need.