Page 11 of Reckless

The smells permeating from Blue’s kitchen have my mouth watering before I even get off the lift. Cam is just dishing up as we arrive, and when she sees me, she waddles over. I take her in my arms, giving her a kiss on the top of her head. She looks beautiful, tired, but beautiful. Pregnancy certainly agrees with her.

“You sure you don’t have a whole football team in there, Cam? Shit, girl, you look fit to burst.” She tries to punch me on the arm, but I dodge it with a smirk of triumph. “Not this time, mama bear.”

“Careful, Seb, I won’t be pregnant forever, and then I’m going to kick your arse. Come on, let’s eat.” She walks back towards the kitchen as I pull a chair out at the dining table, but before my arse meets it, Cam lets out a pained cry, doubling over and gripping the back of one of the chairs. I shove the chair back and reach for her just as Blue does. She reaches her hand out as another pained cry leaves her, and I grasp it, her grip tightening like a vice.

“Aaargh! Ryder…” she pauses, blowing out a breath. “I think we need to go…to the…hospital,” she pants out. “Argh, fuck!”

“Okay, baby. I’ve got you.” I watch as the colour drains from Blue’s face. Then a split second later as his military training kicks in, detaching himself from the emotional link to the situation, calm washes over him. He turns to me. “Seb, go to the bedroom, there’s a bag next to the wardrobe.” I’m moving before he’s even finished. I race to the bedroom, grabbing what Blue asked for, all the while I can hear Cam’s pained shouts, and then silence before Blue’s booming voice breaks through the apartment like a clap of thunder. “Hurry the fuck up, Seb. We need to go. Now!”

Coming back out to were Blue is holding Cam, I see blood on the floor. Lots of blood. Shaking off the fear, I head for the lift just as Blue picks Cam up and follows after me.

* * *

I calledRick and Jamie on the way to the hospital. I wasn’t sure she’d answer, so Blue gave me his phone to call her. To say she was fucked off when she realised it was me not Blue is putting it mildly. When she shut up long enough for me to tell her why I was calling, she hung up on me. I’m guessing she’s on her way here, or she’s pissed that her night got interrupted. It sounded like she was out. With a guy. I shut the thought off. I have more important things to worry about than who she’s taking to her bed. And I shouldn’t care either.

Blue went in with Cam, and I’ve not heard from him since. It feels like it’s been hours. God, I hope everything is okay. Cam’s fucking strong, so to see her in so much pain is a real worry. And the blood? So much blood. The door to the waiting room the nurse showed me to opens and in walks Rick with Jay hot on his heels.

“Just fucking do something!” rings out in the hall. Rick, Jay and I all look at each other knowing it was Blue. Rick is still holding the door open, and we watch as Cam is wheeled out. She’s unconscious and Blue is…freaked out, scared, angry. It’s hard to tell exactly which emotion is winning right now. Every single one is etched on his face and visible in his body language. Whatever is happening has broken the cool and calm facade he had before we arrived. This Blue is one I’ve rarely seen in all the years I’ve known him.

“Ry, what the hell is happening?” Rick asks as they pass the room. He looks kind of green himself, and it’s not really a surprise given how he lost Sam.

“I don’t know. Fuck. I don’t know. She’s got to have a caesarean, something about a placental abruption.” The words rush out of him before he chases after the nurses wheeling Cam down the corridor.

The three of us stand there for several minutes, unable to say or do anything. There is nothing any of us can do. And that is the hardest thing about this. I turn to Rick, knowing this must be bringing back a fuck load of bad memories for him.

“Rick. You okay, man?” I ask. It sounds like the lamest question because I can see the answer written on his face. He’s not okay, and he won’t be until Blue comes back out here with good news.

Now, we play the waiting game, and we pray to god Cam and the baby make it.

A commotion out in the hall as me lifting my head. It’s been thirty minutes since they took Cam down to surgery, and it’s as though the whole hospital has been holding its breath with us.

Now though, that silence has been broken by a female voice I’d know anywhere. Not two seconds later, Jamie bursts through the door.