Page 10 of Reckless



I drive through the back roads at a speed that’s likely to get me killed, but I need the adrenaline rush just now. My mind is in complete turmoil over my meeting earlier with that prick Lance, and then seeing Jamie at the bar today has put me in a complete spin. Why was she anywhere near there?

My phone rings, causing me to swerve on the road. Thank fuck there are no other cars coming.

“I’m on my way, Blue. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Can’t you just wait?”

“What the fuck is eating you?”

“Nothing. I’m sorry, just got a lot on my mind that’s all. What did you need?” I feel bad for biting at him.

“You’ve got a lot on your mind? I’m the one that’s going to be a dad any day now.” I don’t miss the sarcasm in his tone or the slight hitch in his voice that tells me how fucking terrified he is. “Anyway, I called because Cam wanted to know if you’d like dinner? Unless you’ve got a better offer?” He lets out a laugh, telling me that he’s spoken to Jay about last week.

“Jay’s a bastard and dead when I see him next. Fucker needs to keep his mouth shut.”

“Ahhh, come on, Seb. I’m just messing with you. Where’s the cocky arsehole we know and love gone?” I hear Cam in the background shouting at him to knock it off. “Okay, fine,” he tells Cam, then to me he asks, “Is that a yes, then?” I hesitate, not sure if I do or not, but before I can answer Blue calls out to Cam that it’s a yes.

“Hey, I didn’t say that. I could have plans you know.”

“Do you? Other than watching porn and banging one out.” I don’t reply and that’s answer enough for him. “Didn’t think so. I’ll see you in a bit.” Then he ends the call. Arsehole! But he’s right, I have nothing better to do, and if I go out, then I’ll probably get wrecked and end up calling Vicki. I don’t want to do that.

When I arrive at Blue’s, he’s waiting for me in the lobby.

“Hey. What’s going on, why you down here?” He rubs his hand over his face, and the muscle in his jaw ticks, telling me he’s not happy about something.

“I need to speak to you, on your own. Come on, let’s get a drink.” He leads the way to the bar that makes up the lower floor, along with a restaurant on the other side.

Once we get our drinks and find a quiet table to sit at, he gives me the look. The look of someone that has something to say, something I’m not going to like much.

“What’s going on, Blue?”

He takes a swig of his beer, then picks up the beer mat, flicking it between his fingers. His head is low, and when he looks at me, I don’t like what I see.

“So, Rick called me with an update on Dom’s case.”

“Okay. Come on, man, spit it out. What the fuck is it?”

He doesn’t answer, just pulls his phone free from his pocket and hands it over to me. I arch a brow at him in confusion but take the phone. When I look at the screen, my eyes almost bug out of my head.

“Shit, Ry. These are some dirty pictures,” I say on a laugh. “Who is—” I don’t need to ask as a picture of a woman being taken from behind flicks up on the screen, and you can see her face as clear as day. “You’re fucking kidding me!” I bellow, then remember where we are. “So, who’s the guy?” The picture has been taken or cropped specifically to hide the guy’s identity, but showing the woman, who is clearly Jamie’s mum, although slightly younger looking, in all her glory.

“We don’t know yet. Rick is trying to find out more. The photos were posted to an online porn site and directly to Dominic. As you can imagine the guy is spitting fucking feathers not only that his wife had an affair, but now every man and his dog has the potential to see these. I mean, it’s not like Louise is your standard housewife that nobody knows. I’ve had Jay take them down, but I have a feeling they are going to be making another appearance soon. And not in a good way.”

“Fuck. I don’t like this.” And it’s the fucking truth. Whatever the fuck Dominic has got mixed up in is now becoming a threat to the rest of the family, and that means Jamie too. I throw the phone down on the table. “Are they recent? Louise looks younger in them?”

“Yeah, I thought the same, but I don’t know. I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear, but for now we just have to do what we can until we have more information and hope they leave Jamie out of it. It’s going to be bad enough if she sees these pictures of her mum. The fact they aren’t talking might actually be a blessing at the moment. What happened with Lance?”

I run a hand over my face. “Lance reckons we won’t have a problem getting membership to the club, apparently Jay and I are exactly the type of clientele they aim for,” I say, rolling my eyes. “They have a member’s only event coming up and is perfect timing for us to see exactly what the fuck goes on at Tempest.”

“I know you’re worried about Jamie, but we’ll figure it out. In the meantime, we need to get to work on this job. Once you’re in, you need to get as much as you can on Mark Nash and get close to him if possible. Ideally, Rick wants you in his inner circle, but if not, we work with what we get. Just make sure it’s enough to bust the place and lock that fucker up. You’ve done this shit so many times, you could do it in your sleep. You’re the best we have.” He slaps a hand on my shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze.

“Yeah, I’ve got this. Pretending to be someone I’m not, is a piece of piss, right?”

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” Blue scowls at me, even though he knows I’m right. I’m the happy-go-lucky guy that doesn’t let anything get to me, always wears a smile, always has a joke at the ready. But we both know I’m the guy that hides behind all that shit; hides the fact I wear my heart on my sleeve, feels everything much too much and never lets anyone see it. That’s how you get hurt. That’s how you end up dead.

“It’s cool. Don’t worry about it, you know I’m good for it. Now, you promised me food, and you know how much I love Cam’s cooking. Plus, I’m fucking starving.” He looks at me for a minute, like he’s hunting for the lie. Deciding now’s not the time, he rises from his chair and leads the way to his apartment.