Page 12 of Reckless



Jasper appeared to be fine when I told him I had to leave, but I’m a good judge of character and got the impression he was less than happy. Tough shit.

If I’m totally honest, I was glad to get away. Sitting there with the guy who you’re currently sleeping with and the guy whose bed you snuck out of after fucking him and his friend is not an experience I wish to repeat in a hurry. I was on edge waiting to see if Noah was going to out us.

Then to receive a call from the last person I want to talk to, correction second to last, my mother currently holds the number one spot, telling me my best friend is at the hospital, it’s safe to say my mood is less than cheery.

Yeah, I might have been avoiding Cam lately, but she’s my best friend, and I’ll be there for her no matter what. Even if that includes walking into a room where one of the people on my shit list is currently sitting.

My breath catches in my chest when I see him sat there, head in hands, and when he looks up at me, I quickly look away afraid he’ll see too much. He always sees too much. It’s one of the reasons I don’t like him. It’s also the reason I need to stay away from him.

I turn my attention to Rick, and if I thought Seb looked bad, then he’s got nothing on Rick. He’s sitting with his head back against the wall and eyes closed and concern etched onto every inch of his face.

“How is she? What’s happening?” I ask. Nobody speaks and the silence has my heart thrashing inside my chest.

“They’ve taken her to theatre for a caesarean.” I’m confused at first as to who spoke, but then I remember the other guy that is here. When I turn to him, a flash of recognition hits. He’s the guy who was with Seb at the bar the other week.

“And who the hell are you?” My inner bitch is poking her head out, and I take a deep breath, trying to rein her in. I refuse to look at Seb, although I can feel his eyes on me. They’re like lasers burning a path across my face, over my body. One he knows well. Intimately.

The guy doesn’t look offended by my rude as hell attitude, if anything, he looks mildly amused.

“I’m Jay. A friend of Seb’s and occasional colleague. I take it from that toasty reception, you must be Jamie?” I watch as a small smirk kicks up one side of his mouth.

“Nice to know I’m talked about. Whilst the small talk is great, does someone want to tell me what the fuck happened?” I turn my focus to Seb finally. Pinning my gaze on him, almost daring him to say something, but he just stares right back at me. My face heats, and it feels like the temperature in this room has risen to beyond comfortable. I ignore the butterflies in my belly, pushing them way down and putting a lid on them. This guy infuriates me as much as he turns me on, and that just makes me crazy.

“Oh, Firefly, have you missed me?” he says with a wink.

“Not one fucking bit. Stop with the shit, Seb, and just tell me what’s happened.” I cross my arms over my chest, feeling a little self-conscious. Total first for me since high school. I want to pull at the hem of my skirt, pull my top up and cover every inch of flesh on display. No guy has ever made me feel so…out of sorts. And this is exactly why I need to steer clear of him.

A spark of anger flashes in Seb’s eyes before it’s gone again.

“I don’t know. I was at theirs for dinner and had only just arrived. Cam was fine, and then she was in pain and bleeding—"

“Bleeding? Why the hell didn’t you say that on the phone?” I begin to pace as the nurse in me takes over, and I think of all the possible reasons. None of them are good. “What have the midwives said? Blue? Have they told you anything at all?”

“It’s a placental abruption,” Rick’s voice comes from the left of me, matter of fact and disassociated. Cam told me his wife died during childbirth, so this must be the worst case of deja vu for him.

I move to sit next to him, laying my hand on his arm. He looks up at me, and it guts me to see the tears that have welled in his eyes, and the obvious pain he’s in. Before I can say anything to him, the door opens, and a midwife enters.

“Are you all here with Mr Hawkins and Miss Moore?” A chorus of yeses echoes around the room, and the midwife beams brightly. “Okay. Mr Hawkins asked me to inform you it’s a boy, and Mother and baby are both fine.”

Loud sighs of relief can be heard at her words before we all try to talk at once, demanding if we can see them. The midwife holds her hand up with a small smile on her face.

“You will be able to see them shortly, just wait here for now, and I’ll come and get you once they are settled in their room.” This time she offers a bright, reassuring smile before leaving the room.

* * *

An hour later,my emotions raw and having checked Cam and the baby over myself, I leave the hospital. Rick offered to give me a lift, but I told him to stay. Besides, I need the space, and the air. If I had stayed in that room a minute longer, feeling Seb’s eyes on me, his scent teasing my fragile emotions, I think I may have fallen down the rabbit hole of insanity. Although, to be fair, I’m not sure that I’m not already there.

I lean against the wall, digging around for my phone so I can call another taxi, when a hand at my back startles the fuck out of me, and I spin, fist raised, ready to knock the fucker out.


“Jasper. What the actual fuck?” I blow out a breath. “For a cop, you’re kind of a dick. Sneaking up on people might be a useful skill for your job, but unless you want to die, I would suggest you don’t sneak up on me again.” Jasper lets out a laugh, that only angers me more. “It’s not fucking funny, Jasper. And I meant what I said, no man is going to get the better of me again.”

“Okay, I’m sorry. And what do you mean by that?” he asks, voice hard, and a scowl on his face.