“This is the same agreement that we began on the computer. And while we’ve already begun our journey, I want to go over it again and complete the forms.”
She nodded and he went through each page, adding a few notes for clarification.
“Wait, this states we live together,” she said, her finger running under a line of script. “I-I can’t do that.”
“Why not? We’ve discussed the importance of total immersion.”
“I know, but what about Sarah? I can’t just move out and leave her stranded.”
“Jane, I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist on this. I’ll be glad to pay your share of the rent until she can find another roommate.”
“No, I mean, I can’t ask you to do that. I-I guess I can take some money out of savings for a while.”
Sawyer shook his head. “No, that is my responsibility as your daddy. You’ve saved that money, and I won’t have you spending it when I can easily afford to take care of you.”
Just as he had done, she shook her head. “I’ve saved it for school and… well, I want to go. If we do this, are you going to expect me to just sit around here, waiting for you to come home? I don’t want to do that, Sawyer. I’ve worked too hard to let go of my dream. Not when I’ve almost got enough to enroll for the next semester. Oh, and work! I can’t quit. Mr. Arturo gave me two weeks but then I have to go back.”
“Of course you can go to culinary school if that is what you want,” he assured her. “I’m not asking you to give up your dream, Jane. I’m simply helping you to realize another as well. I’ll make up for whatever funds you lack. You don’t have to return to work—”
“I do!” she interrupted. “I want to do this on my own. I need to do this by myself. I just need to work a bit longer, and I owe it to Mr. Arturo. He already said that when I graduate, he’d hire me as a chef. I want to start somewhere that I’m familiar with, with chefs who can continue my education.”
“If you won’t allow me to make up the difference, then that is what we’ll do. I understand the drive to succeed on your own and applaud you for it. However, I insist on you moving in with me and allowing me to pay for your rent at Sarah’s. And once you’ve earned enough for tuition, you will not work until you graduate. I don’t want you to run yourself ragged. I’m certain that Arnold will not only understand, but that he’d agree with me.”
She hesitated, but finally nodded. “All right, but… what if we don’t work out? What if I’m not enough for you? I told you I’m not very experienced and, well, I don’t have a very good track record with relationships.”
Cupping her face, he bent to kiss her. “I have absolutely no doubt that we will work out. You are perfect for me, and I already can’t imagine life without you. Trust me, Janie. Trust me to care for you, to help you, to love you like you deserve. Can you do that?”
“I-I can try.”
“Then that’s all I can ask, but know that I’m hoping one day you realize that you are exactly where you need to be, with the one man who will make sure you are happy in all ways.”
He flipped to the last page of the contract and handed her a pen. “Sign, Janie. Give yourself the permission to become everything you’ve wanted for so long.”
She signed and after he had done so, she lifted her arms to wrap around his neck. “Thank you, Daddy. I really will try to be your perfect Little.”
“Baby girl, I’m not asking or even expect you to be perfect. No one is. But thank you for trusting me.” He kissed her long and hard, releasing her to grin. “Besides, if you were perfect than all those erotic scenes I’ve been imagining where you are promising to be my good girl as I stripe your bottom are for naught.”
Giggling, she squirmed on his lap, pressing down against his growing erection. “I’m not very good at being perfect, Daddy.”
Laughing, he kissed her again, patted her bottom, and then set her off his lap. “How about we clean up and do some shopping before going to your place to get your stuff?”
“That sounds like fun,” she said. “I’ll meet you in the bathroom.”
She took off running, and he opened the drawer to slip the contract inside. Closing it, he opened the middle drawer, his fingers running over the ruler as he smiled. Yes, he’d definitely be having her bring him the wooden implement after which he’d tap it against his palm, instructing her to lower her panties and bend over the desk. Closing the drawer, he stood. There was plenty of time to shower and quite possibly to fuck her for the first time before taking her to shop for some ‘cute’ panties that would hug that adorable little ass of hers.
* * *
Jane was halfway down the hall when she suddenly changed direction. Running through the living room, she came to a stumbling halt as she entered the kitchen.
“Oh!” she blurted, the sight of Sawyer’s driver sitting at the table, rooting her feet in place. She tried to tug down the shirt that already hung to her knees.
“Hello again, Miss Jane,” Richard said, setting down the sandwich he’d been eating and giving her a smile. “Have you met my wife?”
Jane’s eyes flew to the woman who stood at the sink, elbow deep in soap suds.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Jane said. “We shouldn’t have left the kitchen in a mess. I-I can do those.”
The older woman smiled as she dried her hands on a cloth and came toward her, hand extended. “Nonsense, it’s my job. My name is Gloria.”