Jane shook her hand and then felt her entire body heat as she realized that the clothing she’d come in to get had to have been seen by the couple. God, her panties… her bra… both had been tossed aside. Releasing the woman’s hand, she edged toward the center island, refusing to look at the spot where she’d lain, where her daddy had used his mouth and fingers to make her fly apart.
“Um… still, I should clean up,” she said, her eyes raking across the floor once then again, only to discover that not a single article of clothing was to be seen.
Twirling around, she saw her daddy entering the kitchen.
“Did you get lost, baby girl?”
“No… I-I just…” Words deserted her as she imagined what the couple must be thinking as she stood there in his shirt and he stood bare-chested as if nothing at all was unusual.
“Are you looking for your clothes?” Gloria asked.
Not able to speak, Jane simply nodded.
“They should be just about dry,” Gloria informed her with a smile. “I’ll go check them.”
Jane could only nod again, wishing she was anywhere else but standing half naked before them.
“That’s okay, Gloria,” Sawyer said, taking Jane’s hand. “I’ll grab them. Oh, and Richard, can you bring the car around in a half-hour or so? We are going to shower and then do some shopping.”
“Certainly, sir.”
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Jane,” Gloria said, giving her another smile.
“Oh… nice to meet you too,” Jane managed, wondering if the woman knew it was a blatant lie. Sawyer led her across the kitchen and through a door on the other side. The moment they were alone, she released his hand, wrapping her arms around her middle, and moaned. “They know!”
“Know what?”
“Sawyer! They saw my clothes all over the floor! They have to know you… you did that to me. In the kitchen! Oh, God, I’m going to die of embarrassment.”
He chuckled, his arm tightening around her waist. “No, you’re not, and, baby girl, don’t worry. You couldn’t meet nicer people, neither of whom have a judgmental bone in their bodies.” Opening the dryer, he removed her skirt, folding it before reaching back inside for her blouse. Ducking between him and the dryer door, she yanked her underwear out, waving both items in the air as she said, “They saw my panties! They know I’m naked!”
“Baby, you are not naked, and even if you were, they wouldn’t bat an eye. You don’t need to worry about a thing.” He took her undergarments from her and added them to the pile.
“How can you say that!” she hissed and then stiffened. “Wait. How many other women have you paraded through here? How many other women have dropped their panties or worn your shirt?” Her voice was shrill and yet she couldn’t seem to stop. “How many other sluts have you fuc… had sex with on the counters!”
“Janie, calm down,” he said. “I don’t appreciate your tone, and while I’m glad to see you managed to catch yourself before you cursed, I certainly don’t appreciate you demeaning yourself.”
“No? So only you can demean me?”
His answer was to place her clothing on top of the dryer, slip an arm around her waist, and apply his hand to her butt… hard. The swat caused her to yelp and go up onto her toes. The second caused her to squeal, the third and fourth had her dancing in place, wagging her butt up and down as if to throw off his aim. It didn’t work as the next two landed perfectly across her butt.
“I will never demean you, young lady, and you won’t be allowed to either. You are not a slut. You are my little girl and not a soul in this household will ever think you are anything but loved.” Another swat had her eyes welling as she clung to him. A final one had her shame turn from being discovered in his shirt to shame at acting like a horrid child.
“I’m sorry, Daddy! I-I just didn’t know what to… to think.”
He hugged her close, holding her against his chest. “I know, but, baby, you need to stop worrying about what people think. There is nothing wrong with you and nothing shameful about two people making love. And, if you’d given me a chance, you’d know that Richard and Gloria understand completely as they have been living a D/s relationship their entire married life.”
“They… they have?”
“Yes. I told you that you’d never have to fret and I meant it. Now, are you ready to be my good girl or does Daddy need to lift that shirt and turn your bottom red?”
She dropped a hand behind her, rubbing furiously. “I’m pretty sure it’s already red, so no, thank you. I’ll be good.”
He chuckled, dropped a kiss on top of her head, and picked up her clothes again. “Good girl.” Taking her hand, he led her back through the door where she managed to give the couple a smile. It helped to know that they understood the dynamic, but she still prayed that her daddy had invested in soundproofing every room in the penthouse and hoped that there was no evidence of her spanking visible through the white cloth that brushed against her ass with every step.
His shower was huge and sharing it with him was an experience she’d never tire of. He soaped every inch of her body, his hands running over every curve and fingers dancing along every nook and cranny of her cunny. She shuddered as he instructed her to bend forward, his fingers pulling one globe of her ass away from its twin in order to scrub her cleft and bottom hole.