“Good because I love hearing it. Is there anything besides diapers, bottles, or pacifiers that you object to?”
“I don’t want to crawl around or have to talk like a baby. I didn’t think I’d want to ever wear Little clothing, but those women at the doctor’s office were and they didn’t look weird… but I guess maybe some people would think they did. It’s all a bit confusing, and I guess I’m not real sure what I will object to.”
“Then how about we leave it to explore? We can go shopping for some things, and you can wear them either when we are at home or perhaps to a play party. How does that sound?”
It sounded both lovely and a bit scary. “You mean where other people could see me as a little girl?”
“Where other daddies and mommies attend with their own little ones,” he agreed. “Where no one would judge you or think you or our dynamic is weird. You saw some of those couples at Dr. Harper’s and, in fact, have known a couple for some time now.”
That had her sitting up straighter. “Who?”
He grinned. “How do you think I found you?”
“Are you saying that Mr. Lawson is a daddy? I knew it!” she said, practically bouncing on his lap. “His wife is just so pretty and sweet!”
“Yes, but, believe me, she is also quite a handful. She was actually supposed to dine with us that evening, but had misbehaved. Instead of going out, she spent her evening facing the corner while writing a long essay on how a little girl should not backtalk her daddy.”
“Oh,” Jane said as she pictured the beautiful woman she’d often served at the restaurant doing such a thing. “Do… do they go to these parties?”
“Yes, as do several other couples whom I can’t wait to introduce you to.”
Nodding, her tummy flipping at the thought of meeting others like her… women who enjoyed both being adults and being a Little was exciting. “I think I’ll like that, Daddy. Oh, wait, there isn’t any… any spanking at these things, is there?”
He laughed, hugging her close. “Only on the bare bottoms of little ones who decide to be naughty,” he said, causing her tummy to feel as if an entire room full of little girls was doing somersaults inside it.
“Then I’ll just be really good,” she said, giving him a frown when he just laughed again. “Hey, it’s not funny.”
“I’m not laughing at you, sweetie,” he said. “I’m laughing at the fact that you actually seem to believe that.”
“I do!”
“Really? Aren’t you the same little girl who tested her daddy at the doctor’s office? The same precious girl who just had to see if she could believe what her daddy had said?”
“Oh… well, yes, but…”
“Exactly,” he said, giving her bottom a pat. “Your panties will be pulled down and your butt bared and paddled if you are naughty, no matter if it is in the middle of the doctor’s office or the middle of a party. Understand?”
“Yes, sir,” she said softly and then smiled. “I guess I’m going to have to buy some cute panties… you know, just in case.”
This time when he laughed, she joined him, already wondering what it would be like to have an entire room of people watching her being instructed to lower her panties so that her daddy could redden her bottom. Just considering it had her having to squeeze her thighs together a little tighter. How she had gone from innocent and curious just days ago, to a woman already spanked, whipped, face fucked, and made to come repeatedly, she didn’t know, but damn, she was happy she had.
Chapter Thirteen
Sawyer enjoyed watching her expressions as he gave her a tour of the apartment. When she pressed her hands and nose up against the glass wall, he instantly imagined her doing so, naked, her nipples puckered against the cold glass as he took her from behind. Her eyes were huge as he led her into the master suite, the king-size bed with four posts on the corners reaching toward the tall ceiling, and he once again imagined her spread-eagled in the center, each of her limbs tied to a post, her body open and inviting him to send her flying yet again. The vision of her body bent over the ottoman in front of the fireplace, the flames flickering and sending shadows dancing across her skin as he laid stripes across her naughty ass before plunging himself into her, had his cock stiffening. He could easily picture her in the huge tub, bubbles covering her from his view and yet he would still enjoy every inch of her as he washed her, lifting her dripping form from the water, fluid sluicing off her body and yet more moisture gathering between her thighs, knowing that her daddy would soon be taking her to heights she’d never imagined.
They ended the tour in his office; a large room that he used far more often than the formal living room where they’d begun.
“This is amazing,” she said, spinning around as if afraid she’d miss something. One wall contained nothing but floor-to-ceiling windows, his desk sitting in front of the expanse of glass. This was another piece of furniture he could easily see her bent over, her bottom bared, her lip trembling as he reached into the drawer to remove a wooden ruler, or plucked a length of rattan from the crock that sat within easy reach. He’d run a hand across her quivering flanks, giving each lobe a squeeze as he chastised her, letting her know that she’d soon be a very contrite little one as he lifted his arm to apply ruler, paddle, cane, belt, or hand to her beautiful plump ass.
She walked to the opposite wall where bookshelves were filled with hundreds of tomes. Everything from nonfiction biographies, books pertaining to business dealings, the latest bestselling fiction were interspersed with classics and books of erotica. Several ageplay books were sandwiched between bookends that were large brass teddy bears. He watched her smile as she stroked a finger along a book’s spine.
“You’re free to choose whatever you’d like to read,” he said, joining her. “I’ll ask that you read a certain few in order to better understand our chosen dynamic, but anything else you’d like to read, please feel free.”
“This is a lot of books,” she said, looking up at him. “I have a ton of digital books on my Kindle, but I do love curling up with a real book too.”
He smiled. “Then we have that in common as well.” When she began to pull a book from the shelf, he shook his head. “But first, we need to finalize our agreement.”
She slid the book back into place, giving it a look of longing but allowed him to take her hand and lead her to the desk. Taking a seat, he pulled her down onto his lap before opening a drawer and pulling out several sheets of paper.