“What the…” Jose starts to say as he stands up from the chair, he was sitting in. He lifts a gun, pointing at me, but I don’t give a fuck because if he pulls that trigger, I will dodge the fucking bullet before he gets me.

“Sit down, Jose,” I order. He looks at me, then to Frost, and then back to me.

“I’m holding the gun,” he says as he shakes the gun at us.

“Trust me, if we wanted you dead, you would be dead already. Now sit down, we are here to talk,” I say as I walk towards the chair before his desk and sit down.

“You’re responsible for what happened with the Hades MC, aren’t you?” Jose asks when he finally sits down, but I notice that he doesn’t lower his gun.

“You need to take your business somewhere else.”

He grins. “You think you can just tell me what to do?” Jose asks with a smirk.

“No, I’m warning you.” I say in a quiet tone. Which he would be clever not to ignore.

“You are warning me?” he asks in a belligerent tone.

“If we have to come here again, you will be dead,” I promise. “No more drugs in our territory.”

“You can’t do that,” Jose argues, his face darkening in anger.

“Yes, we can, and we do.” I warn as I stand, “Get rid of the drugs, or move.” I turn my back on him, making my way towards the door. Frost is standing with his arms crossed by the door as he looks at Jose. I know that if Jose tries to shoot me in the back, Frost will stop him or warn me, so I’m not worried about the dipstick that thinks he’s a man because he sells drugs.

Walking out of the office, I make my way to the entertainment area with Frost next to me as we make our way towards the exit. I would love to burn this place to the ground, but even though I don’t like it, I know that the people that work here need the money. And even though Jose is a scumbag, it doesn’t mean that his staff needs to suffer because of it.

I know Jose’s type; he will try to pull a fast one and carry on his drug business, but that will be a mistake on his part as it will be the end of him. “We should just take over this fucking place. You know that we are going to have to come back here and stop him, don’t you?”

Frost grunts at my statement but doesn’t reply as we sit on our bikes. It’s time to go home and spend more time with my mate. Heading back towards the club, I grunt when I think of how close I was to Grimm, and once again, he acted like a coward and hid from me.

I know that Myst won’t feel comfortable while Grimm is out there wanting to take her back—wanting to get a piece of me. Well, this time he will get more than he bargained for, because when I once again face my brother, it will be the last time.

If I had done what I was supposed to all those years ago, we wouldn’t now be where we are, but this time, he won’t escape me, this time I will end it and make sure that he doesn’t hurt anyone again.

Pulling up outside the club, I smile when I see Myst heading towards me from where she must have been walking with Siena and Onyx.

“You’re home!” Those words have something warm flowing through my body. The fact that my woman calls the club home pleases me.

I know that being taken away from your pack is difficult, but I hope that having me and the other women around here will make her forget her past.

Opening my arms, I pull her towards me, her body fusing with mine like a second glove. “Frosty, where have you been, I had one of the girls from work come over earlier to meet you.”

Frost grunts at Onyx’s statement. Ever since coming to live at the club, Onyx has taken it upon herself to find Frost a mate. She is determined to see him smile.

I shake my head in amusement when I think of all the ways she has tried previously to make him genuinely smile, but Frost isn’t the happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He doesn’t talk much. But I know that he has a soft spot for the club women, and how they go out of their way to please all of us.

Frost has been through a rough patch that has left him emotionally scarred. I doubt that a mate will have an easy time. As shifters, we are possessive and sometimes overprotective, but I think that Frost will be doubly so with everything that happened in his past.

“Why?” he asks with a raised brow.

“I think you will like her,” Onyx says with a nod.

“Looks like you don’t have to look for your mate any longer, Bro. Onyx will do it for you.”

He scowls at my quip as he shakes his head, then he turns, making his way towards the entrance to the club, stopping when we hear cars approaching.

Looking towards the main gate, I wait to see who it is only to tense when we see two police cars entering. “What the fuck?” Hunter says as he walks towards us. Frost stops by the door to the club, crossing his arms across his chest as we wait to see what this visit is about.

“Get behind me,” I tell Myst. “You too,” I say, as I look at Onyx and Siena. The women move around so that I’m standing before them, my muscles tensing when I think of the last time the police came to the club, questioning us about one of the killings that the serial killer tried to connect to us.

“Fuck, what do they want now?” I hear King mutter as he comes to stand next to me.

“Nothing good, I’m sure,” I reply in disdain as the two cars come to a stop behind the Harleys. I growl deep in my throat when I see Grimm sitting in the front passenger seat.

“Motherfucker, what is he up to now?” My voice laces with rage, seeing my brother after so many years. I feel King’s hand on my shoulder as he squeezes in warning. This is one of Grimm’s underhanded ploys to get close to my woman, but I will kill him and to hell with everything else.

“Stand the fuck down,” King mutters under his breath as one of the police inspectors gets out of the car. I feel Myst’s hands on my back, fisting my T-shirt in her grip. I hate the fact that she’s feeling fear. Just for that, I will kill the son of a bitch.