“Are you sure this is where he was?” I ask Sabre, the prospect that found Grimm.

“Yeah, he’s been staying here for the last two days,” Sabre reports.

“Well, looks like he has left,” Frost mutters as he turns and leaves the room.

“He was here this morning,” Sabre states. “I saw him coming out of here.

“Yeah, we can scent him, but he must have seen you, because he is definitely gone now,” I reply as I turn to go and join Frost that is now sitting on his Harley with his arms crossed across his chest as he looks around.

“What’s up?” I ask, seeing a frown on Frost’s face.

“He’s watching us.”

I tense at his statement.

“Where?” I can’t scent him out here or see him, which means that Frost must be sensing him.

“Not sure, but he knows we are here,” Frost states.

“Motherfucker,” I mutter, knowing that Grimm won’t show himself. Instead, he will hide to try to attack when no one is looking.

“No use staying here, as I doubt, we will find him,” Frost says as he looks at me.

“Yeah, he’s too much of a coward to face me,” I confirm. “Instead, he will wait for when he thinks that we are distracted to attack.”

“Well, then,” Frost says as he leans forward to start his Harley. “We will have to arrange for him to find us distracted; now, won’t we?” The thought of letting Grimm think that he’s getting one on us has my anger flourishing, but I know that might be our only chance if we want to catch him before he actually does find a way of attacking me without me knowing.

Now that I have Myst, I need to think of my future with her. I can’t take chances like I have always done. Instead, I need to make sure that my woman is safe, and that I will come home to her no matter what.

When Frost pulls away, I wait for Sabre to follow before I’m accelerating away from Grimm. Just as I turn out of the carpark, the hair on the back of my neck rises in warning. He is close!

I know that even though he’s close, if I have to stop my bike and go look for him, he will be gone before I catch his scent. Frost is right. The best way to catch Grimm is to set up a trap.

Seeing as we didn’t get what we came for, we might as well go and sort out some club business before returning to the club. Since taking out the Hades MC, we haven’t heard anything from Skull or the two men that were missing when we attacked. We know the rotten drug deals that Skull was involved in, and we are going around and letting everyone know that it’s over.

If they want to carry on with their drug deals, they will have to do it away from our territory. The moment we ended the Hades MC was the same moment we took over their territory.

The good thing about taking over is that the trafficking will stop for a time. We know that there will be those that will try their luck and continue operating under our noses, but with time, we will show them that we mean business.

Pulling up outside a strip club, which we know is one of Skull's main clients when it came to buying his drugs, I sigh, knowing what I will find inside. Jose Mendes, the owner of the club and a real douchebag, makes sure that his girls get hooked on the product, so that he can manipulate them to his heart’s content. If it were up to me, I would have killed the son of a bitch a long time ago.

I’m at the main door walking in when Frost walks up behind me. Sabre will sit with the bikes just in case someone decides to mess with them.

A bodyguard is standing at the door as we walk in. He lifts his hand to stop us, but I grab his hand with lightning speed, pulling his arm behind his back as I push him against the wall. “No one needs to get hurt. We are just here to talk to Jose,” I state.

“Fuck off,” he grunts as he tries to push away from the wall.

“Have it your way then,” I mutter as I pull his head away from the wall and then bring it forward again, hearing the crack as he hits his head. His knees buckle when I let go of him, letting him fall to the ground, unconscious.

“What?” I ask when I see Frost shake his head as he pushes the doors open that lead into the club.

“Pointless talking,” he states as we walk into the club as if we own the place. I see a few stragglers sitting around looking at the poor woman on the stage, taking off her clothes. It’s clear that she is so high that she’s not even aware of how many people are watching her.

We make our way towards the back of the club where we know Jose meets with his men. Outside his door is another one of his henchmen. When he sees us, he pulls a gun from his back, but before he can lift it to pull the trigger, Frost is by his side.

He has his arm around his neck, twisting without even blinking. Letting go of his neck, the man falls to the ground, dead. Walking past him, I lift my leg and kick at the door, which flies back with a bang against the wall.