My heart feels like it’s jumping out of my mouth when I see Grimm sitting in the police car, with that smirk of his. I know that smirk, and nothing good ever comes out of it. I have so many knots in my stomach, why would Grimm bring the police here? What is he up to, and is he going to try to take me away from Fang? Can he?

“A bit far from Town, aren’t you?” King asks as he steps forward

“King” the inspector greets, “We have been approached with a concern.”

“Really, and how does that concern me?” King says with a bored expression.

“Have you got Mystique Haque staying with you?” the inspector asks

“Why?” Fang snaps, I can feel his muscles vibrating under my hands. I tighten my fists on his t-shirt, trying to hold him back because I know if he gets hold of Grimm he will kill him, and with the police here it will be the end of him.

“We have been led to believe that Miss Mystique is here by duress, we would like to speak to her.”

“No” Fang snaps, and takes a step forward which has me throwing myself against his back as I slide my arms around his waist trying to hold him back.

“Fang please!” I whisper, I see the Inspector's eyes turn from Fang to me.

“Are you Mystique Haque?” the inspector asks, taking in a deep breath I step to my left so that he can see me better which has Fang’s arm snapping back and around my waist holding me back. I know that this is what Grimm was expecting, he knew that Fang wouldn’t let another man get close to me, that Fang would do everything to protect me, including going against the police officer.

“Fang it’s okay,” I whisper

“No” this time his reply is a growl, professing his anger.

“You want to ask her any questions you ask from there.” King intervenes as he comes to stand before Fang, I see that Frost has come to stand on my right-hand side, and close enough to stop Fang if he loses his temper.

“You do see how this little show doesn’t help this situation at all, Miss Haque, do you need any assistance, we have been led to believe that you are here against your will.” I start shaking my head before he is even finished with his question.

“No, I want to be here.” I state, my heart pounding at this explosive situation. “I swear, I came here by my own free will.” The inspector nods reluctantly and I see the suspicious look on his face as he turns slightly, pointing towards the police car.

“Do you know that man in the car?” His question has me looking at Grimm, I see his eyebrows raise and that irritating smirk widen.

“Yes” I whisper

“He says that you are being blackmailed, and made to stay here, now if that is the truth, we can help you.” What? How can he be such a manipulative asshole?

“I ran away from where I was living before, he followed me, trying to stop me, I promise I want to stay here, I am treated very well.” I see the inspector looking at Fang and then King.

“I think I will need to have a conversation alone with Miss Haque, I feel like she could be feeling threatened, I need to assure myself that she is here of her own free will.” The inspector insists, which has Fang growl deep in his throat. Opening my hand, I start to stroke his back, trying to appease his anger.

“That’s okay, but here, I don’t want to go anywhere.” It’s a good thing that I have lived with shifters my whole life, and know what a mate will and won’t allow. I know that as long as Fang can see me and feels that he can protect me, he will reluctantly allow this inquiry, but if the Inspector insists on taking me somewhere, then I know that it’s all lost, unless King manages to hold Fang back.

The inspector looks around and then points to a seat by the trees. “Over there?” I nod, taking a step towards the trees, but Fang's arm tightens around my waist.

“It’s okay, this is what he wants, don’t let him win.” I whisper, looking deep into Fang’s eyes and seeing the internal battle before he gives me a curt nod. Taking in a deep breath, I make my way towards the seat not waiting for the Inspector but knowing that he is following me.

I know that every single man that is standing watching us down here will hear everything that is said. The Inspector thinks that by pulling me away they wouldn’t hear our conversation, but little does he know that they do. The only thing that worries me is the dangerous situation that this inspector has created by bringing Grimm here.

I want this conversation to be over and done with as soon as possible, because I know that the longer Grimm is in this property the higher the chances that Fang will snap and attack him. “Now miss Haque” he starts, only to be interrupted by me.

“Please call me Myst.” The surname in the shifter community is nothing but a formality to appease human convention.

“Myst” he says with a nod as he comes to stand before me. “Now that we are away from the members of the club, you are free to tell me anything that you want, trust me when I say that we will protect you if you are being held here against your will.”

“You have been played,” my statement has him raising his brows in question, “trust me when I say that I am exactly where I want to be, and no one, no one at all is making me do anything.”

“Are you sure?” he asks