“Bullshit. You’ve never even been this protective of Liv and you know it.”
“Fuck.” Scrubbing a hand over his face, Bryant turned and paced away, then back. “She gets under my skin, man. And I’m worried about both of them.”
“You think I’m not?”
“No. I know you are. And I don’t want to say it’s easier for you. But at least you can just paddle Liv’s ass if she breaks the rules.”
Since his brother’s thoughts mirrored his own from earlier, James grinned and threw an arm around Bryant’s shoulder. “That does give me an advantage. But Shannon is smart, and I think this whole business scared the shit out of her. Hopefully enough for her to follow the rules without either of us threatening to whip her ass.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“Look, why don’t you go on ahead of us to the house and make sure everything is set up. We’ll call when we’re leaving here.”
The struggle was clear as day on Bryant’s face, but he eventually caved with a short, sharp nod. Rolling his eyes at his brother’s retreating back, James took a moment to consider his strategy before rejoining the girls in Shannon’s room.
Relieved to find Shannon’s scowl had been replaced by a bright, if somewhat tired smile, James approached the bed. “How are you feeling, Shannon?”
“Tired of being in bed.” Though her eyes had lost some of their sparkle, a familiar mischief filled them when she tilted her head to study him. “Come to lay down the law, Mr. Sexy?”
Beside her, Olivia’s eyes widened, but she didn’t protest. After sending his girl a reassuring wink, he turned back to Shannon. “As a matter of fact, that’s exactly why I’m here. I am more than happy to have you stay with us as you recover, but while you’re there, you will do as you’re told.”
The mischief in her eyes faded and she wrinkled her nose in a way that reminded him of Olivia when he’d given her a rule that wasn’t to her liking. “Like what?”
“Mostly following the doctor’s orders. And I don’t want either of you leaving the house alone, even if it’s just for a walk around the block.”
Shannon’s eye roll would have earned her a lengthy time-out if she’d been his. “But we have cops watching us constantly!”
“And there’s no need to make their jobs any harder than they already are.” Seeing the struggle on her face, he softened. “I’m not trying to be an asshole, Shannon. I just want you both to be safe. You mean a lot to me and to Liv.”
Olivia slipped her hand into Shannon’s. “Please, Shay. He wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t important.”
“I know.” With a long, heavy sigh, Shannon nodded. “All right. I’ll be a good girl.”
James had his doubts about her ability to keep that particular promise, but it would have to do. Besides, if she got out of hand, he knew just the person to call in for back up. Pleased with the plan, he went in search of someone who could let them know when they might be cut loose.
Chapter Twenty-Two