Page 78 of Daddy's Way

“Do you think this one’s in the bag, little one?”

Grinning, Olivia climbed into his SUV. “Absolutely. They loved it. I think we’re going to lowball it though; it’s priced a little high for the neighborhood, despite the gorgeous bathroom reno they just did. It definitely bumped up the value, but not quite as much as they were hoping.”

“Excellent news.” Leaning in, he brushed a kiss across her lips. “You ready to go get Shannon?”

“I’m ready.” Her grin turned a little wicked, and he felt a frisson of fear down his spine. “But are you?”

“Of course,” he replied with a confidence he didn’t remotely feel. Keeping tabs on Olivia was one thing. As her daddy, he wielded a certain amount of power he didn’t have with Shannon.

After closing Olivia’s door, he walked around to the driver’s side and climbed in. Perhaps he should have a conversation with his Livvy before they picked up Shannon. “I think we need to go over our rules, little one.”

The professional realtor disappeared when she scrunched her face up exactly like a little girl being told she couldn’t have something she wanted. “Why? I know the rules.”

“Yes, but you tend to be a little loose with them when Shannon is around. Which is bad enough when you’re just out for the night, but since she’ll be staying with us for a few days at the bare minimum, a reminder can’t hurt.”

Reaching over, she linked her fingers with his as he drove. Her voice was soft and kind when she spoke. “Daddy, I’m not going to do anything stupid. I promise.”

“I know. Just... promise me you won’t let Shannon talk you into ignoring the rules. Okay?”

“To be fair, I don’t always tell Shannon about a rule before I let her talk me into breaking it.”

“Good point. I’ll make sure Shannon is aware of the rules, so maybe she’ll be able to keep you in line.”

“Daddy!” Groaning, Olivia leaned back against the car seat. “You can’t do that!”

James gave her hand a little squeeze of warning. “I can, and I will, Olivia. Whatever it takes to make sure you’re both safe.”

“But it’s embarrassing.”

“You’ll survive.” Lifting their joined hands, he pressed a kiss to her knuckles. Better embarrassed than dead, as far as he was concerned. But he didn’t want to say that and risk upsetting her, so he left it at that.

The silence between them lingered all the way to the hospital. He could feel her tense as they pulled into the parking garage, and he gave her hand another squeeze.

They were still halfway down the hall to Shannon’s room when they heard her. “I don’t need you telling me what to do, Bryant Monroe!”

Beside him, Olivia groaned. “What is Bryant doing here? Shouldn’t he be at work?”

“Did you really think he was going to pass on this?” Chuckling at her exasperated sigh, he swung her hand up and back in hopes of helping her calm down. “It’s all right, Livvy.”

“She’s supposed to stay calm. He doesn’t keep her calm, he stresses her out.”

It was a good point. “I’ll talk to him.”

They’d reached Shannon’s room by then, and Olivia dropped his hand to rush to the bed. “Ready to get out of here, lazy bones?”

Shannon, who looked a million times better now that she’d had a chance to shower and dress, rolled her eyes. “I’ve been ready, but these people won’t let me leave!” Her voice rose to a shout by the end.

Bryant crossed his arms and James just managed to hold back a sigh. It was going to be a long few days. Before Bryant could lecture, or whatever else he had in mind, James clapped him on the shoulder and pushed him toward the door. “Let’s get some air.”

“I don’t need air,” Bryant grumbled, but he followed along all the same.

“Me neither. But the girls need some space.” James waited until they’d reached the end of the hall to speak again. “I told Livvy I’d talk to you. About Shannon.”

“What about her?”

“You’re stressing her out. And since she’s already stressed, she doesn’t need you adding to it. So just, maybe dial back the Daddy-mode a bit, okay?”

Bryant’s eyes narrowed. “I am not in ‘Daddy-mode.’”