Page 80 of Daddy's Way

It was nearly fiveby the time the hospital released Shannon to go home. She’d fallen asleep waiting, which worried Olivia more than the bruises still covering her face and neck. Shannon never napped, and she routinely thrived on less sleep than any other human Olivia knew.

And now she was curled up on the bed in Olivia’s pretty little guest room. Seeing her friend resting on the same bed where she’d been so thoroughly used and pleasured the night before brought a rush of heat to her cheeks. Thank God she’d changed the sheets.

“Liv? Why are you blushing like a tomato?”

“No reason.” Clearing her throat, Olivia busied herself with putting away the clothes Shannon’s mom had packed for her.

“Liar.” Shannon yawned and shifted positions, wincing a bit. “Come on, tell me. I need a distraction.”

On the one hand, she wouldn’t normally tell anyone about her sex life. On the other hand, it was Shannon. And there was the whole Bryant angle. Keeping it from Shannon at this point just felt wrong.

Abandoning her chore for the moment, she climbed onto the bed and sat cross-legged beside Shannon. “Okay, I’m going to tell you but you have to promise me two things.”

Eyes bright with curiosity, Shannon shifted to rest on her elbows. “What things?”

“One, you won’t judge me. And two, you won’t let it change how you feel about Bryant.”

“Bryant?” Shannon frowned. “What does he have to do with anything? And I don’t feel anything other than annoyance for him, so I don’t see why you care if that changes.”

“Liar. You like him. And he likes you.” When Shannon just rolled her eyes, Olivia sighed and shook her head. “Fine. But just promise me, would you?”

“Okay, okay, I promise.”

Blowing out a breath, Olivia gathered her courage. “So, you know how James is my daddy?”


“Well, sometimes he likes to share.” At Shannon’s blank look, she felt her cheeks grow even hotter. “Me, Shay. He likes to share me. With other doms.”

“What?” Pushing up into a sitting position, Shannon stared at her, mouth open. “Are you kidding?”


“Wow. And you’re okay with that?”

“Okay with multiple orgasms and being so thoroughly used my bones feel like rubber?” Grinning, she gave Shannon’s arm a little shove. “I’ve learned to live with it.”

“Holy crap. Wait.” Shannon’s eyes narrowed. “What does Bryant have to do with this?”

“Oh. Ah... he’s the person we normally share with.”

“So you get to have not just one, but both sexy Monroe brothers in your bed?” The corner of Shannon’s mouth lifted into a smirk. “Lucky bitch.”

“You don’t think I’m like, slutty or anything?”

“Please.” With a snort, Shannon laid down again, stretching out carefully on her back. “You’re so far from slutty. And even if you were, who cares? You do you, boo.”

“And you promise not to hold it against Bryant?”

Closing her eyes, Shannon sighed. “Look, Liv. I know you think there’s something there between me and Bryant, but there isn’t. He’s a daddy and I’m not looking for a daddy.”

“But you want one.”

Shannon’s eyes flew open again, then narrowed into slits. “What makes you say that?”

Olivia shrugged. “You hide it better than I do, but I’ve seen the way you look at him. You like it when he’s bossy, and part of you wants to let him be the boss of you. You may have buried her deep beneath those layers of polish and sophistication, but your little is still there and she needs a daddy.”

“She’s buried deep for a reason, Liv. Honestly, I don’t even know that she’s there anymore. I know I played some when I was in college but I don’t know that I’ve ever been a real little. Idoknow that I have zero interest in finding a daddy.”