Page 69 of Self Control

"No, I hated it," Ellenora sniffed. "Even when we used to vacation at that house, I used to hide out in my room to get away from all my brothers. It feels like the noise echoes with those ceilings."

Mykie shrugged. It didn't bother her at all. It strangely made her feel safe with all the noise. Maybe it reminded her of the Snake Pit, in a weird way. The walls seemed to breath family and homeliness.

"I'd love to go shopping with you Ellenora. We'll have to drag your brother around to every store possible just to see how long it takes before he starts whining for us to stop," Mykie said in a conspiring voice.

"Oh, it won't take long. Any other time he starts whining around the time we reach the second store," Ellenora said with a wave of her hand that indicated how ridiculous she thought her brother was.

"It was nice to meet you, Ellenora," Mykie said with a nod, "but I need to head out right about now. I have to let Chance know about this meeting and possibly head to another one, depending on how he takes the news."

"I'll show you to your car," Ryker said, speaking up again.

"I can do it," Renly said on the other side of Mykie.

"Actually, Ren, I need to you to hang back. We need to discuss the numbers from the meeting we had this morning," Earl said near the door, his arm around his wife's shoulder.

"It's alright, brother," Ryker said. Mykie looked up at the icy-blonde and caught the smirk on his lips. "She's in good enough hands."

"It's your hands I'm worried about," Renly said, his eyes narrowed. He turned on his heels and stalked over to his father, not saying goodbye or looking back at Mykie at all. Ellenora gave Mykie one last look and smiled apologetically before she scurried after her father.

She was slightly miffed at his reaction. Why was he so angry about his brother showing her to her car?

She thought about it as Ryker guided her towards the door. The hallway was empty as far as she could see, but they only made it a few steps before she was pushed against the wall. Hands landed on either side of her face and she was caged in, but she wasn't scared.

"That was an amazing act you put on in there. If I didn't know who you were, I think I would have believed it myself," Ryker chuckled lowly.

"I was trying to figure out who you were," Mykie smirked up at him. "Beyond being a bouncer at a shady club. What, were you on the lookout for your father?”

“No. As you could see, we aren’t that close. I know nothing about his dealings outside of the business, but anything that might lead him to my neck of the woods at La Noir could only lead the business down.”

“Thanks for your help, by the way."

"Anytime. Princess," he said, moving one of his hands to her cheek. His thumb brushed against her chin as he leaned in. "You already stabbed my father once before. I couldn’t let the Valkyrie finish the job, could I?”

"So, you're a part of Cantil?" Mykie murmured, leaning her head forward until the distance between them was only a breath. Two people could play the intimidation game. “You obviously know who I am, so I won’t explain my reasoning for it.”

He laughed again. "Not as much as you are. Compared to you, I'm nothing but aghostin the background."

Her eyes widened. It couldn't be. Before there was ever whispers of the Siren and Valkyrie Cantil girls, there was Ghost. Ghost was practically a legend within the Cantil. No one had met him except for the Snake King and he refused to tell Mykie his identity. It was like meeting the Grim Reaper, the only time you saw him was when you were at Death's door.

"Aww, so you recognize my name? I wasn't sure if I was worth mentioning when you're just as much of a legend. Tell me," he breathed, "Are you scared of me?"

Mykie shook her head. She didn't know if she was scared of him. She never imagined she'd come face to face with someone so blood-thirsty and cruel.

"You don't have to lie to me, Princess," he murmured, laughing under his breath as he traced her lips with his thumb. "You've got nothing to prove to me. I already like you just the way you are."

"You...You like me?" she choked out.

"Mhmm. I've had my eye on you for quite some time. I heard you had a little assignment here with mydad," he spit out the word like it was disgusting on his tongue, "and I had to meet you. After you brought that kid down to the Pit, I thought you were ready."

"Ready for what?"

He chuckled. “We’re alike, you and I. You’re looking for somethingmore, whatever it is. I think you realize that you can’t get whatever you’re asking for from anyone else. I wouldn't expect you to like me automatically, but I'll show you what I can offer you." He leaned forward until his lips hovered beside her ear. "It's definitely more than Ren and his little friends could give you."

"How did you know that I met your brother?" Mykie asked bravely.

"Didn't you realize? I was there that morning, on Saturday. I watched you run out on those boys only to return with the redhead and run again." He leaned back until Mykie could see him and his grin sent shivers down her spine. "Oh, it wasn't hard to see how easily those boys would fall for you. After all, I did a long time ago," he murmured.

"What do you want from me?" She heard her voice shake and she wanted to curse herself. Don’t show fear or weariness. That was the first rule Chance taught her.