Page 70 of Self Control

"That's simple. I want you and only you. I don't care what you do with those rats of yours that you keep going back to." He brushed some of her hair behind her ear. "As long as you come back to me, that is. After all, you're a snake. I think you deserve your own little playthings by now."

"Why do you want me?" she whispered. Why would someone like him want her? He was a legend and he was attractive. He could have just about any girl he'd like outside the Pit. So, why would he choose her?

"Isn't it obvious? You aren't like other girls, who will cry and whine if I came home covered in blood from some mission. You're a snake. Yougetme and my job, just like I understand your responsibility to Chance and the Cantil. Those boys can keep you busy, but they'll never understand you like I can," he murmured softly, gripping her face between his hands. "I already love you for you, Princess. What more can you ask for?"

"But...What...I..." Mykie's brain was shutting down. No one had ever said those words to her or looked at her like that. She'd never seen someone's eyes when they spoke those three words, but if she had to guess, their eyes would look like Ryker's in that moment. He genuinely felt something for her, and a part of her desperately wanted that.

"I don't know what to think," she muttered, shaking her head in his hands.

"Don't think.Feel," he whispered, closing the distance between the two of them. She was expecting something aggressive or possessive, sort of like he was talking to her before, but it wasn't. His kiss was...soft. Gentle. Almost as if he was worshipping her lips and wouldn't get another chance like that again. It was enough that Mykie kissed back, and he didn't fight even then to possess her and dominate the kiss. Nothing changed as she pulled herself off the wall and towards his body, wrapping her arm around his waist. He let her do what she wanted, even as she nipped at his bottom lip and tugged on it with her teeth. She tested her luck and bit down on his lip hard, making him gasp into her mouth. He returned the sentiment, supporting her head as he pressed her back against the wall.

The risk that someone could walk through any minute made their kisses feel more needy and desperate. She didn't want to let him go, but she knew that nothing could really happen in the hallway.

"Ryker," Mykie murmured when they both came up for air. "I still don't understand what you want from me. I... I barely know you."

"Then we'll have to spend some time together, so you can get to know me," he murmured, tilting her chin up with his pointer finger. He placed a sweet kiss on her nose. "Until then, Princess."

He stepped back from where he had her pressed against the wall.

"When will I see you again?" Mykie asked, trying to catch her breath now that she wasn't trapped in his arms.

"You'll see me again soon, don't you worry." He stepped forward again and reached a hand to Mykie's shoulder. She was surprised when he slid the strap of her bag off her shoulder and took it from her.

"I'll keep my promise to my brother and make sure you get to your car safely," he explained, setting it on his own shoulder.

"But my gun is in there," she said, reaching out to grab her bag but he shot her hand down.

"You won't need it when you're with me," he stated, his expression stern as he grabbed her hand. "I'll protect you."

"I don't need to be protected," she grumbled, pushing away from him and stalked towards the stairs. She didn't need another man in her life that believe she was a delicate flower that needed to be shielded. She was a warrior that could bloody a room just as easily as any of Cantil out there.

She heard him coming up behind her and let him stop her. She was shocked when he didn't grab her, but instead wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back against his chest.

"No, you don't need to be protected," he said in her ear, surprising her, "but on the off chance that something happens where you can't protect yourself alone, I can protect you. Much more than Renly could." He muttered the last part under his breath.

"Speaking of your brother," Mykie said, turning around in his arm. "Why don't you seem to like him?"

"He's always beenDaddy'sfavorite. I was a foster kid and was adopted when I was five when Madeleine thought she couldn't have children anymore. Renly was a miracle after he was born after two miscarriages, and Elle was put on a pedestal for being the only girl."

"So, you resent him?" Mykie asked gently.

"I resent the whole family. Sure," he scoffed, "Earl and Madeleine may think theysavedme, but they treated me worse than the foster home did after Renly was born. Between him and their business, I was basically nonexistent."

He chuckled darkly under his breath. "Made it a hell of a lot easier to make my decision to join a gang. I wasn't exactly leaving anything meaningful behind."

Mykie nodded. His explanation was enough for now. She twisted out of his arms and grabbed his hand. "Come on. I've got to get going, so if I'm a princess, you need to escort me to my awaiting carriage."

"Of course." He grinned and tugged her along with him. "Anything for you."

They walked the rest of the way downstairs and after a nod to the receptionist desk, he led her over to the door. Mykie started to push the door open, but Ryker stopped her. He grabbed the jacket she stuffed in her bag and held it out to her to put on. She slipped her arms inside and snuggled into the warmth before suddenly feeling embarrassed that it smelled so dusty now. If she knew she'd meet someone she'd actually like to see again, she would have thrown it in the washer beforehand.

Once she was settled and her jacket was zipped, he guided her out the door and over to her car.

"How'd you know which one was mine?" she asked.

"I've been watching you for a while, Mykie. I'd be more upset if Ididn'tknow your car."

He said it so simply, like it was something everyday people just heard coming from a stranger. She thought about it, and she realized that she wasn't dealing with an everyday person or situation. To everyone else, Ryker was becoming acquainted with Mykie, but deep down this was the Ghost finally approaching the Valkyrie on the battlefield after years of scoping her out.