Page 68 of Self Control

"Mom!" Ellenora cried.

"You know that the stupid investor is starting to take more than you offered. Take this deal, and the opportunity to break it off with them,” Ryker suggested.

"You know we can't do that," Earl sighed. "Do you ever listen to a word that comes out of your mother's mouth? You refuse to take anything seriously."

"I don't want to interrupt your family discussion, but I want to know what he has to say," Mykie said. "He might be the only one with a rational brain in the room."

She felt Renly stiffen beside her.

"I think this deal would be best," Ryker said, seemingly more confident now that he had someone backing him up. "From what I know, Lauder sticks to his deals, and he knows what it's like for someone to break one. I'm sure he wouldn't be happy if he learned that you weren't successful, so why don't we think about it?" he stared Mykie down, and the longer she focused on him, the more familiar he felt. Not because he was a bouncer, but like she met him before. It was something she couldn’t put her finger on that made her think there was of something the past with him.

"This shouldn't be something we immediately shut down, right?" Ryker asked, looking around at his family.

"He's right," Renly spoke up. "This should be something you think about, Dad. I've heard of Chance Lauder, and he doesn't take 'no' very well. He's also amazing at what he does, so I'd think about this a little longer."

Earl looked between each of his sons for a moment before he looked at his daughter. "Are you going to argue with me as well?"

Ellenora shook her head quickly. "No. I trust you to do whatever you need to do."

Earl stood up and brought his wife over to the other side of the room. He spoke softly to her, so he wasn’t overheard, and she looked like she swallowed something sour as they argued quietly. After a few moments, Earl came back over with his wife, and Mykie stood up.

"Alright. I'll think about it. If I believe that something could work between us, I'll give your boss a call and we'll negotiate a better deal."

Earl held his hand out to Mykie again and she took it, grasping his hand tightly.

"Like your sons said, think long and hard about what your answer will be. You don't want to regret it in the long end. I've seen a few deals with Chance go bottoms-up, and it was never pretty. You’re a smart man, so I’m sure you won’t make the wrong choice."

The look they exchanged told each other that they were on the other’s radar now. Earl Harper knewexactlywhat would be coming for him if he took a deal with Chance. He didn’t realize what would happen would be equally horrible fornottaking such a deal.

“Of course,” he said with a chuckle.

“Oh,” she said, letting go of his hand. “I also expect that you won’t discuss this deal and the contents of it beyond the people in this room, correct? I wouldn’t want suchpersonaldealing to get out, and I’m sure Mr. Lauder would agree.”

She knew he understood when he grimaced and nodded. Her name would not be leaving the room in connection of Chance, the Cantil, or in any conversation surrounding the Valkyrie.

Once she felt satisfied with his answer, she turned and was met with Ryker on her other side as he rounded the table while his father and she were talking.

"I'll show you out, Mykie," he said, grasping her elbow.

"I was going to introduce her to Ellenora," Renly argued on her other side.

Ryker huffed a sigh and dropped his hand. "Alright. Brat, meet Mykie."

"I'm not a brat, you ass!" Ellenora whined, hitting her brother's free arm.

Renly stepped forward. "I was going to ask you, Mykie, if you wanted to come with Ellenora and I to get a dress. She could use a female friend to go with her, and I still need to replace the one that got ruined last Friday."

"I can't do it today, if that's what you're asking," Mykie said, gathering up her folders and stuffing them in her bag. Once she was done, she gathered up her jacket in her arms and looked up at Renly again. "I could possibly go next Saturday, if you're still free."

"Perfect. What time is good for you?"

"I don't want to go before three pm, Renly," Ellenora spoke up. She pushed passed her first brother, so she could stand next to Mykie. "I've heard so much about you this week. I'm surprised Renny didn't have you moving in with him by now, the way he's been talking."

"Nora, stop it," Renly reprimanded her.

"It's true! You can't just let a lady run without telling her how you feel. At least you're being smart enough to ask her out on a date finally." Ellenora huffed and rolled her eyes as she spoke to Mykie specifically. "I heard you met all his friends, too. I don't know how you put up with him when he's around them. Or just those boys in general. They're so loud..."

"I like the loudness," Mykie blurted. "In a house like that, it feels weird without it being so loud, don't you think?"