Page 43 of Self Control

"What has you so jumpy?" she asked, undoing the drink's top and pouring some for herself.

"Just thinking," Mykie said with a sigh, leaning on the counter in the position she was in before.

Jezebeth followed her gaze and made a sound with her mouth. "I think you’ve got to do a little lessthinkingand a little moredoing. You’ve got four guys probably worried about where the hell you are."

"Two guys," Mykie corrected, looking at her friend over her shoulder. "Caspar knows where I am. Renly may be curious, but not worried. Corbus may worry, though."

"Renly’s probably the most worried. Remember Friday? He saved you from getting in a fight, so he might be worried that it's happened again," Jezebeth pointed out.

Mykie groaned. Jezebeth was right, as always.

"I should probably head over there before one of them tries to find me," Mykie reasoned.

"Yeah, but quick question?" Jezebeth asked, leaning on her counter beside her. "They’re all so cute. Can I have one of them? It's only fair."

Mykie rolled her eyes and punched her in the arm.

Brilliant Plans

Mykie muttered under breath, carrying the bottle of Vodka in her right hand. The nerve of that girl… How could she think to suggest hooking up with one of Mykie’s boys, especially after confessing that she was finally interested in Dexter?

She shook her head. She always thought her friend was a few colors short of a sixty-four-pack of crayons. She trusted the girl with her life, but any men in a three-foot radius were bound to go home with her. She was like a Venus flytrap, entrapping her victims before they even realized they were at risk.

She paused. Why did she care so much, anyway? She only met these boys that weekend. They weren’t hers, just Caspar now. But why did something churn in her chest when Jezebeth mentioned getting involved with one of them? Was it her being protective of her new friends, or was it something else?

She pasted a smile on her face as she came up beside their table. Jezebeth was right, in a way. She needed to stop getting stuck in her head and letting her thoughts get ahead of herself.

"I brought a bottle back with me," Mykie stated, showing it off before setting it on the edge of the table.

"You didn't bring a glass for yourself?" Renly asked as he grabbed the bottle and started pouring shots for everyone.

"I wasn't going to make that mistake again." Mykie winked. She turned around, grabbing a chair from the nearest table and pulling it up to the end of the table. She sat back, crossing her legs as she surveyed the table.

There seemed to be some sort of tension between the boys, but Mykie couldn't put her finger on why. However, from what shecouldtell, not all of these boys were friendly with one another. It seemed like each of them were friends with Renly, but not always with each other. Corbus and Caspar seemed to only tolerate each other whereas Blaine looked like he’d rather be anywhere else but here. Why did he come, then?

Corbus had his eyes narrowed in Caspar's direction as he accepted the shot from Renly. The silver-haired boy was oblivious to his angry look, but Blaine wasn't. He was currently glaring daggers at Corbus, who had done the foregone the spray-dyed hair but still curled it. The glare wasn’t hate-filled, however, but instead seemed to be a warning to Corbus to not fight. Or, rather, stop the fight from progressing on longer than it already had.

Renly and Mykie jumped to the rescue simultaneously, talking over each other.

"She wasn’t too bad when she was wasted, right Blaine?"

"Corbus can attest to how embarrassing I was Friday night when I got to your place."

Renly and Mykie looked at one another and laughed. The tension seemed to dissipate as the other three seemed to chuckle, too.

"Ren's right. You puked once, and then you were fine," Corbus said, attempting to help her shrug off her embarrassment. She appreciated it and sent him a smile to express how much to him.

"You said I wascrying," Mykie huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Blaine gets emotional when he drinks a lot, too," Corbus reassured her. Blaine must have kicked him under the table, as Corbus jumped and hit his leg on the bottom of the table. He turned his angry eyes on Blaine and swore. "Asshole."

Mykie bit her lip, resisting the urge to reprimand him for swearing. She realized quickly that they wouldn’t win herself any favors by acting like a mom.

"Where'd your friend go?" Blaine bit out in a gruff tone, glancing at Mykie once he seemed to get tired of looking at Corbus.

"She's somewhere," Mykie answered with a wave of her hand. "Probably got caught up helping behind the bar. Rather her than me."

"If you don't like it, why do you work here?" Corbus asked.