Page 44 of Self Control

"It pays well for a side job." Mykie shrugged. "I met Jezebeth and Dexter here, and I love to dance, even if I might not be good at it.”

“’Dexter’? Was that the guy that spoke to you before?” Renly asked.

Mykie nodded, her eyebrows drawing together as she looked at him. Why did he want to know? “Yeah, he’s been my best friend for about four years now. He works the security door most nights. You probably would have seen him on Friday, but he didn’t work that night. He protects most of the VIP girls when it’s busy nights with clients.”

“I didn’t realize you were a Cantil Girl,” Blaine sneered.

“Don’t say it like it’s something dirty,” Caspar snapped. “She makes…probably makessome good money here, so who are you to judge?”

It was the first time she saw Caspar interact with the boys other than when he yelled back at Corbus at their house. Blaine seemed surprised, too, by the way he looked at Caspar.

“You’re right. It’s none of my business,” he said, looking away from Caspar and out toward the rest of the club.

Renly glared pointedly at Blaine before turning to her with a smile. “I’m sure you’re not as bad of dancer as you say. I’ve been here before and I could have sworn I’d seen you dancing in the VIP section.”

The only only time she danced was when she was trying to entertain or lure clients in for the Cantil. How would he have seen her dance?

She brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. “I don’t know…”

“Why don’t you dance for us?” Caspar offered, leaning his head on his hand on the table as she looked around the man next to him. “Then we can judge for ourselves.”

“Most of the dances I do are for smaller crowds,” she murmured. “I don’t know if it would look that great in the crowd here.”

“We won’t pressure you if you don’t want to dance,” Renly said. “But, I would be willing to help, if you need a volunteer.”

“Come back on a day I’m working,” she said, giving an apologetic smile. “I would feel bad if I danced with you guys now when Caspar is on crutches.”

Corbus snorted. “Didn’t give him too much trouble to chase after you earlier.”

“Don’t be such an ass,” Caspar snapped.

Mykie held her hands up. “Stop, guys. I don’t want you to fight, especially if it has anything to do with me. I want to get to know you guys, but I don’t want it all to lead to jealousy. I like spending time with all of you, right now.”

“Mykie’s right. We’re all still getting to know each other. No need to get jealous.” Renly looked at each of them, but didn’t have to focus on Blaine, as he had barely said anything to or about her. “Besides, she slept with me, so you’re all behind, anyway.”

Corbus and Caspar both moved to punch him in the side, all in good fun.

“You wish, bro,” Corbus said.

Mykie just stared in confusion. Why would Renly say that? They slept together, but it was just sleeping, as far as she was told. Didn’t he have a girlfriend?

After the boys settled down, Renly leaned forward in his seat and looked at Mykie. "So, what do you usually do, when you're not at Pearl's?"

Blaine seemed to lean forward, too, almost unconsciously as the two of them made eye contact.

He gave her a look that made her draw back and sit up straight. Did he know who she was? Or, worse, who she worked with? The way he looked at her sent shivers down her spine.

If he knew, would he tell the others? Had he done so already? Is that why Corbus was angry with Caspar?

She took a deep breath. No. She was just being paranoid. There was no way that Blaine would know about her or the Cantil and not say something to her before now.

"I'm pretty good with finances, which is mostly why Pearl’s hired me on, and—"

"Mykie, where's your partner in crime?" Dexter asked, leaning against the back of her chair. She tipped her head back and they were a few inches from each other. Dexter lifted an eyebrow, peering down at her.

"I couldn't tell you. Last I saw of her, she was hiding with the liquor," Mykie murmured.

Dexter rolled his eyes, standing up. "Figures. I better find her before one of us has to drag her home."