Page 42 of Self Control

No one moved a muscle, much less opened their mouths to speak against Mykie's decision.

"Caspar Watson, in return for our protection, we ask that you keep anything you hear to yourself. No matter what happensbetween yourself and Mykie, you will always be held to these rules. Do you accept?"

Caspar's face was serious. He didn't answer immediately, and Mykie was worried that he was hesitating. Would he decline, now that he knew that he couldn't escape it? That even if he, for some reason, wanted to avoid Mykie, he'd always be connected to the Cantil, now?

Her worries were pointless. Caspar spoke loud and clear, washing away her worries. "I accept."

Mykie let out a breath of relief as everyone raised a glass or drink in Caspar direction and cheered, a sign that they were willing to accept him. She saw Caspar deflate with relief as well and she inched closer to him. Touching his back, she leaned in to whisper in his ear.

“We should get back upstairs now.”

Caspar nodded, and they went upstairs with the same method as before. Once they got outside, she turned around and she couldn’t help in her adrenaline but to grab his face and kiss him. His reaction was delay slightly, but he responded quickly. It was a closed-mouth kiss, and it almost was more if not for the fact that he almost fell over from letting go of his crutches. She quickly moved to catch him before he could drop them, and Caspar quickly moved to right himself before he could crush her.

“I’m sorry,” she laughed. He laughed as well, making her feel a little better. Of course, she’d forget he was on crutches.

“I’m sorry, too. These crutches are just in the way all the time,” he said with a shrug. “What was that for, though?”

“I…” she brushed her hair behind her ear. “I was just excited that it went so well. You did so well with Chance, and hedefinitelyalready likes you. The fact that you were allowed to sit in on our meeting said a lot.”

“Well,” he smiled, adjusting the position of his crutches on either side of him. His hair moved into his eye as a gust of wind went through.

“If that’s how you say “thank you” for the Cantils, I’ll be sure to remember that.”

Mykie stepped closer to him to block him from the wind. At least, that’s what she told herself. She couldn’t explain so much as she reached up and pushed the hair out of his eyes. Standing so close, she took notice that they were the same height in the shoes she was wearing. It meant he was only two or three inches taller than her normally.

“No, you can’t. It’s a me thing. Only me,” she said.

He surprised her when she started to pull her hand away and he gently caught it, leaning his cheek against her palm. “Only you, then.”

They stood there for a moment, both seemingly waiting for the other to make the next move.

“No matter how cruel you think you are to everyone else, I’m always going to look at you like you were an angel that saved me. I want you to know that,” he murmured as he studied her face.

She scoffed softly. “If you want me to be your angel, I’ll be it. I’ll always be a snake, though.”

“Snake or angel, you’re the woman that just vowed to always protect and look out for me. I hope I can do the same for you, soon.” He let her hand go and she slowly took it back. Being called an “angel” was so strange to her, but she supposed she would get used to it.

“We should probably go inside now, before your friends start to question things,” she said quietly, breaking their moment. She didn’t want to go inside. She wanted to stay outside and explore the small moment they had. It made her want to see how far he would go, and if he would kiss her this time. How would their kiss go without him on crutches?

He nodded, and she walked aside him. His breath was ragged from going uphill by the time they made it to the door, or at least she assumed that was the reason. She couldn’t help but to think about her kiss as the reason. If this is what he was offering by being so loyal and by her side, she couldn’t complain about him offering her sexual favors when they first met.

“Do you want anything particular from behind the bar?” she asked, as she pushed the door open to Pearl’s. She led him over to the bar, intent on getting him a drink to reward him for downstairs.

“I don’t know any names of drinks or alcohols,” he said, shaking his head with a sad look.

“I’ll grab a bottle of Vodka and start there,” Mykie explained, stepping behind the bar and grabbing a bottle of it from under the counter. “Go back to the rest of the boys and I’ll meet you there.”

Caspar nodded and agreed, already moving across the floor on his crutches.

Mykie shook her head. If someone had told her this time last week that she’d start to actually care about someone outside her Cantil family, she would have thought they were crazy.

She watched him from across the room as she rested her chin on her fist. He had made it back to the table, and the boys enveloped him into their conversation, already having him throwing back his head and laughing. Was it wrong to say that she was bothered that it wasn’t her making him laugh? Or putting that relaxed expression on his face?

It seemed that any time they interacted with each other, even through texting, he was starting to warm up to her. However, in person, he seemed all in with her. He said he trusted her, and she trusted him as well—to a certain extent. She could definitely see something developing between them. Trust might grow into something more, something Caspar kept hinting towards as…payback for her saving him. Would she be able to handle that? Being with someone she was supposed to protect?

She sighed. Her world wasn’t for everybody, and she couldn’t help the nagging fear that the two of them were already getting off on the wrong foot. How was she supposed to move forward knowing that if something happened and they broke up, then she’d be stuck with him attached to her name forever in the Cantil?

Jezebeth set a hand on her shoulder, startling her enough that she almost dropped the bottle of Vodka. Luckily, Jezebeth caught it before it could smash.