“Aw, that’s so cute!” Diane bounced in her seat as we awaited the Keepers in the dining hall.

I’d just told them about Thomas and his girlfriend looking at moving in together. It’d been over a week since I’d seen him. I’d spent the week helping Michael and Gabriel with the demons while visiting my parents. I’d finally popped in to see Thomas again, having promised him I would do that every few weeks.

“I’m glad he’s happy,” Matthew grinned as he looked over at Flynn. The pair had sat down with me after I’d first seen Thomas again, wanting to know everything. They’d understood his desire to stay in Heaven, and they were in agreement about not upsetting the life and death balance of nature.

“So, the demons are mostly under control now, right?” Paris spoke up as the Keepers appeared.

“Yeah, Jack and Creeper have helped Gabriel a lot, and the number of demons has come down to a more standard amount. Michael wants me to still assist them each week just to update the maps, but they believe in six-months time, there won’t be any demons left. He’s letting the angels take breaks, not wanting to overwork them,” I explained as the Keepers started setting out what looked to be a lavish feast for us.

Miss Sage and Mr. Baron joined us, taking their seats by the head of the table, and Dezikiel soon followed.

“Students, before we eat, I have news,” he called out as he stood behind his seat, the Keepers still placing down trays of assorted foods from roast meats and vegetables, to steaming bread and marinated goodies.

We fell silent as we gave him our undivided attention, and I felt both Bug and Creeper rest a hand on each of my thighs as they sat on either side of me, their gazes locked onto Dezikiel.

“We will be getting some more students this week, although the curriculum has now changed. The High Council has gone ahead and granted all Academies the authority to offer both standard classes and demonic classes. Now that we are no longer bound to training our students to be hunters, we are to guide them in living normal lives, acting more as a refuge to teach them about their powers and aid them in hiding the truth about what they are and leading normal lives. With the number of demons at a more manageable level, we’ve been informed that Demonic Hunters are a dying breed. With Lily’s request that demonics be allowed the chance at normal lives, the angels are handling the majority of demon issues. Hunters are still allowed to request missions, but they’re less deadly missions, and we’re hoping to help most of our Hunters retire and lead ordinary lives. Angels from the High Council are slowly visiting to ward off all demonics permanently. We’ve sorted through everything except human hunters, we can’t control them, but we can ward demonics well with angel power,” Dezikiel shared with us.

“Normal lives, now that’ll be something,” Hershel commented. “Maybe I can go back to college.”

“We could travel,” Dylan said, and Matthew lit up as they looked at one another excitedly.

“What about those of us who enjoy hunting?” Wayne mused as he steepled his hands on the table.

“Keep hunting,” Flynn said with a shrug, although I knew he was still mulling over what to do with his life. He’d opted to let his mother continue having the normal life she’d built for herself, not wanting to tear it apart with his resurgence from death. She’d met a man and had taken on a step-child, and appeared happy from what I’d heard, but it still pained me on his behalf.

“Well, obviously we’ll keep doing it, but once all the demons are gone, then what?” Wayne grumbled.

“Become superheroes?” Dylan suggested, and Hadley snorted, but his expression remained serious. “I’m not joking, there’s enough crime and shit going on in the world, you could become vigilantes. Wear masks to hide who you are, try to not use your powers in public.”

Wayne arched a brow at this, while Paris seemed amused by the suggestion.

“I doubt the High Council would allow that,” Paris said as she allowed a Keeper to pour her a glass of water.

“I think the High Council will be more lenient now than before,” Dezikiel said carefully. “If vigilantism was desired by some demonics, there would be rules in place.”

“You’ve already discussed it?” Dylan balked.

“Many demonics have trained a lot, and they don’t want to throw it away. Some have already enlisted for armed forces, but that might not be wanted by some. They have the skills and ability to do more than any ordinary person, so of course it would cross our minds. They are already taking it into consideration, and there’s talk about starting a separate governing body for those who choose to follow such a path. To help keep them hidden,” Dezikiel said, and Paris leaned back in her seat, a smile playing at her lips.

“That would be pretty cool,” she said quietly as Wayne beamed.

“You know what, I could do that. Save civilians, be the modern-day superhero or vigilante. Get ourselves a police scanner,” Wayne folded his arms as he mulled over it.

“What about me?” Xander spoke up as he kept his eyes on his empty plate. “I’m not really demonic. I’m a demon.”

“You’ve been granted protection thanks to Lily, along with any other demons who retain their souls. Due to what you are, you won’t age, so living a normal life will be a little different for you. You can still attempt to do as such, but family life, relationships, they’ll all be difficult with your immortality. Or you could opt to be a vigilante as well.”

“I have no special skills like Paris and Wayne,” Xander said quietly.

“But you also can’t die from standard weapons, which would make you invincible in the human world,” Paris spoke up as she gave him a lopsided smile. “You could team up with Wayne and I if you wanted.”

Xander finally looked up, completely stunned at the offer as his mouth curled into a smile.


“Of course, you could jump out of a damn building and walk away unscathed, that’d be remarkable in the modern world outside of demonics,” Wayne stated. “You could easily be a superhero.”