“Yeah, not sure how I managed it, I just found her, and she said she was sad she couldn’t continue doing her duty. I’ve got all this strange knowledge and power that just surfaces at random when I think of something I want to do. I restored her to her position. Michael thinks it’s a special ability I have. I went and offered it to my parents, but they’re happy where they are. It’s like retirement for them really,” I said with a soft chuckle. My mother had no interest in seeing her brethren again, she just wanted to enjoy life with my father and I. My double had disappeared upon my return the second time, and she explained it was due to her Heaven adjusting to what she deemed her perfect life. With my father there, and my ability to visit, everything was perfect.

“That’s incredible,” Thomas whistled as he looked out over the backyard, the moonlight illuminating it in an eerie glow.

I swallowed as I stared down at my hands. I’d wanted so badly to help Thomas too.

“Don’t feel bad, Lily, I already know,” he said after a moment, as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

I sighed as I shook my head, still pissed at everything. It was the one other thing I thought I had the power to do, but upon speaking to Michael, I’d learned it was a bad idea.

“I don’t want to go back. I’m happy here. Sure, I miss everyone, but I know they’re doing okay. You’ve changed everything, given everyone a chance at a normal life. I’m here with my family. And even though it’s not really them, it also is. I like it, it’s all I want,” Thomas assured me.

I just stared at him, at the sincerity in his eyes as he offered me that warm smile.

Michael and Gabriel had stated that restoring Dariel hadn’t really affected anything since she was an angel and her position was a Heavenly duty. Although she would never leave Heaven now so as not to risk anything, although she was fine with that. But restoring a demonic and placing them back on earth? That would upset the balance of life and death. Apparently Death was an actual being, a reaper who simply guided souls to their designated drop-off points. He’d not be too delighted by that, and Gabriel said meeting him shouldn’t be something I wanted.

“Are you sure? I could—"

“Lily, it is what it is. When you die, that’s it. Besides, I’m free now. I’m happy, I can have anything I want in my little world here,” Thomas cut me off as he rested a hand on my shoulder.

“I just know everyone would love to see you again, they miss you.” I pursed my lips as he just smiled at me.

“I know, and I miss them too. Tell them I’m happy, that I’m right where I want to be.” He looked up at the moon as he shook his head. “Please, Lily, I really am happy. Would you believe I even have a girlfriend here now? Completely normal? Who are we to say Heaven isn’t real either, that this is all a fake life? It feels real, every single part of it, and I love it.”

My shoulders dropped at the certainty of his words. He truly was happy here, right with his family.

“What’s her name?” I asked as I plastered a smile on my face. There was no changing his mind, and I had to accept that. Respect his wishes.

Besides, upsetting the life and death balance wasn’t a good idea, Gabriel had drilled that into me.

“Vanessa.” Thomas’ face lit up as he said her name. “She’s an art student, has all these big plans.”

I sat back, enjoying the pleasant night air as he told me all about his girlfriend. His happiness and vibrancy quickly killed off any further reservations I had about bringing him back. He really was ecstatic in his Heaven, and this woman sounded like she was exactly what he wanted. This was the life he truly wanted, and I had no idea if he’d get it if I brought him home. I wouldn’t shatter it for him. He’d sacrificed himself for a cause, and he’d helped me. He deserved this.