Xander grinned as he straightened in his seat, and I couldn’t help but smile long with him.

“Maybe avoid decapitation though, I hate dealing with that,” Wayne added as he grimaced.

“Still won’t kill him, you just stick his head back on and it fuses,” Paris pointed out, and I shuddered at the thought.

“Demon possession is a weird one,” Hershel muttered. “Maybe if you go that route, get some extra vessels on ice. That way if he gets blown up, he can possess a new body.”

“I think we’re moving away from what Dezikiel was saying,” Miss Sage spoke up as chuckles rose up around the table. “But you all have a choice now, and we will help you come to a decision on what you’d like to do and assist in moving forward. The Academy will remain a refuge and safe place, and you’re welcome to remain here indefinitely.” Miss Sage nodded at Dezikiel as he sat down.

“But we will figure it all out in the coming weeks and months. For now, we celebrate this turning point for the Academy, and thank Lily for changing everything and saving the world,” Dezikiel said as he held up his glass.

“Amen to that,” Hadley said as she held up her glass.

I shifted in my seat as all my friends held up their glasses, and I accepted defeat as I held up mine with my men, cheering for a new dawn on demonics.

We dove into the feast before us, and I listened as everyone chatted about their plans going forward.

“I could become a psychic, read cards and stuff,” Hadley mused. “I’ve always had a good touch for that stuff.”

“What would I do?” Diane pouted but then grinned devilishly. “I could become a relationship therapist or coach. Imagine that? I’d be able to tell if someone was cheating or what they were really feeling. I could just get into Psych work in general. Reading minds would be beneficial, I could understand them so much better. That’d be awesome!”

“I’d just get back into IT work, maybe do some freelance stuff while we travel, nice and easy,” Dylan mused.

Matthew was more than happy to just figure his life out as a human, and enjoy traveling for now, while Flynn contemplated starting afresh in a new city somewhere.

“What about you, Lily? Now that you’ve saved the world? Sure, you’ll probably help the angels out until the demons are all sorted, but then what?” Hadley turned to me, catching me off-guard as I reached for another delicious chicken scroll.

“Um, I’m not sure,” I said truthfully as I looked at Jack and Chum.

“Nothing at all? Was there anything you really wanted to do as a kid?” Diane asked as she leaned around Hadley to see me.

“I guess I wanted to help people,” I said with a shrug. It wasn’t something I’d ever given a whole lot of thought.

“She wanted to be a princess as a little girl, then a doctor,” Jack shared as he cracked a grin and I scrunched up my nose at him.

“I was a kid,” I grumbled. “A doctor is not something I aspire to be anymore,” I said with a snort, and Diane chuckled.

“You could be a nurse or something?” Hadley suggested, but I just shrugged as I set the scroll on my plate.

“Maybe,” I said quietly. I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

“Well, there’s plenty of time to figure it out. Oh, are we going to be able to do career days and such?” Diane beamed at the thought.

“We could arrange a few things,” Miss Sage said slowly as she nodded.

“I can help teach you all basic tax stuff, that’s something everyone should know,” Mr. Baron mused.

“We’ll also be beginning driving lessons too starting tomorrow,” Miss Sage added, and I grinned at the thought. That would definitely be on my list of things to do.

I sat back as I continued eating, all the while wondering just where my life would go now. What would I do? What would my hellhounds do?